Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Mural painted on the wall of a brick building in the town of KINGSLAND, GEORGIA.

KINGSLAND is 10 miles from the Atlantic Ocean. There are two rather large rivers - one South and one North of town on US 17. There is also extensive marshland between KINGSLAND and the Ocean. Travel before extensive roadways was primarily by boat.

At the mouth of the St Mary's River - the border between Florida and Georgia, is a U.S. Navy Submarine - OHIO CLASS - Base. The town of St. Mary's is also located on the river, which forms part of the Inland Waterway which extends from NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA all the way to New Jersey.

The Sun had not peeked above the horizon when I began walking South on US 17 to the border of Florida and Georgia.

Pine trees are prevalent in the South of the reasons there are so many forest fires.

They sometimes help create a stunning twilight scene as the Sun Rays top the horizon.

Please say HELLO to Patricia Maynard (yes, my namesake) and Debbie - on the right -, both employees of Steffens Restaurant where I stopped for one egg and home fries with toast and ice water ($2.99).

Patricia is originally from West Virginia.

Please say HELLO to Rowdy Miller, my breakfast counter-mate.

Rowdy is a life-time local who owns and manages three businesses, trying to put din din on the table. Rowdy and I talked for at least 1/2 hour about the dismal condition of job opportunities, the recent closures of major local of which left many thousand employees in the lurch. The local U.S. Navy Submarine Base is one of the few major employers in the area.

Steffens Restaurant in KINGSLAND, GEORGIA.

Crossing the St. Mary's Bridge, one is greeted by Governor Deal.

Nearby is "Catfish Creek"

The waterways in this area are near Sea Level...even so, much marshland is dried up.

Catfish Creek and US 17, looking South.

US 17 Bridge over St. Mary's River.

Notice: No Sidewalks; No space for pedestrians; the bridge abutment (concrete walls) are broken and stained from vehicles hitting them...all because the bridge is VERY narrow...I had to run two times crossing to get out of the way from oncoming traffic.

St. Mary's River and Railroad / Vehicle Bridges.

A boat launch ramp into St. Mary's River alongside US 17.


Please say HELLO to Kerrie Walker.

Kerrie is Receptionist at KINGSLAND City Hall.

I stopped in to ask about events in KINGSLAND; Karrie and I ended up chatting for nearly1/2 hour.

Kerrie informed me that she holds a Masters Degree...and she hunted for a very long time before she finally found her receptionist position a few months ago. Her Sister also has a Masters Degree and is encountering similar difficulties.

Bottom Line: there are very few if any jobs to be found in this South East corner of Georgia.

Getting ready for a Kids Carnival in KINGSLAND.

US 17 as it proceeds through the center of KINGSLAND, GEORGIA.



A recently dedicated Veterans Memorial in KINGSLAND.

Later in the day, I walked the 10 miles to the next town of WOODBINE, GEORGIA.

Along the way, I came across this small stream; CROOKED RIVER. Where Crooked River joins the Coastal waterways, there is a State Park.

This Egret was only 15 feet from me as I stole his picture from between bridge railings. I have seen thousands of Egrets on my walk across the USA, but never before this close.

FIRST AFRICAN CHURCH. This Church is the first I have seen dedicated to Africans. It takes in the better part of one square block in KINGSLAND, GEORGIA.

Please say HELLO to two ladies working in the offices of the well known CULLIGAN Water Company.

I stopped in to fill my drinking water bottles - I use 10 or so gallon bottles, usually getting them filled with Purified Water from dispensing machines located in major grocery stores and WALMART.

Alas, they only sold "systems" and could / would not fill my bottles; so, I asked what additive I could add to SPIA's Potable (Drinking) Water System to keep it from freezing...which will be a serious problem when get up North this Winter.

Alas, they had no idea...they queried their associate in a private office...also to no avail.

(So, I drove 20 miles to WALMART in the town of ST. MARYS near the Submarine Base, where I filled up 5 bottles - using a CULLIGAN in-store system at a cost of $0.35 / gallon. A couple months back, the cost was $0.25 per gallon...I tell you folks, the South of the United States is in a desperate water shortage condition).

CULLIGAN...Soft Water Service - but they do not fill bottles !

and finally, we come to another of the magnificent Mural paintings on the brick wall in the town of KINGSLAND, GEORGIA. Whoever is the artist...this work is without equal.

Returning from WALMART in ST. MARYS, GEORGIA (they have a seaport, but I did not go there), I drove up US 17 to the town of WOODBINE, GEORGIA. We have been invited to overnight in the parking lot of another of three Grocery Stores owned by "C B". Last night we enjoyed our overnight at C B's Grocery Store in KINGSLAND.

I have been in dozens of grocery stores from corner to corner of America. There is not a single one - including WALMART as convenient in layout and totally spotless inside and out. C B even provides FREE coffee to his patrons all day long. I am grateful to CB for his kindness and wish him all success in his business.

In the morning SPIA will remain parked at CB's WOODBINE Grocery Store as I walk North on US 17. The next town up is WHITE OAK, GEORGIA, but we should reach the town of BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean by evening.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are enjoying your time in Georgia! The kids and I are driving down to Florida tomorrow EARLY! to review a hotel for my blog this weekend. We'll be on I 95 for a little bit in Georgia - I guess won't be too far from you! Did you get a chance to see Savannah? If not, I hope you can ~ it is SO lovely! Safe travels, and enjoy Southeast Georgia!
