Sunday, October 9, 2011

POST 469 - DAY 263 / 06: DARIEN, GEORGIA

Sunset through the mast of GRAVE DIGGER. Taken two evenings ago.

The Shrimp Boat GRAVE DIGGER.

Entrance to SKIPPER'S where SPIA spent the night and we were received with with such grace.

Please say HELLO to Ryan, Manager of SKIPPER'S BAR, and my host for the better part of two days. Thank you, Ryan.

Taking this photograph, I was sharing the lunch table with a most interesting and good looking lady, Sheryl Schooley, US COAST GUARD Master Skipper. Sheryl has her own boat aboard which she takes clients on cruises throughout the local marshes and bays. A lady I was reluctant to leave behind. Sheryl may be contacted at


DARIEN Old Jail House.

FORT KING GEORGE Cemetery. The Sun was all wrong during my first visit, so I walked back today to take this photograph. In the far distance is the vast marshland.

FORT KING GEORGE is alive with masses of mosquitoes. I was swarmed, bitten, and two actually flew into my mouth - yuck !

We are told that during the hay-day of old Plantations a couple hundred years ago, much of the distant marshland was farmed with Rice. The remaining fields have since reverted to marshland, the perfect home for mosquitoes.

I heard this fellow long before I walked to him on Georgia SR 99.

I decided to take the round-about SR 99 instead of US 17. SR 99 was longer and closer to the ocean. Later in the afternoon, upon leaving DARIEN, GEORGIA (a sad moment for me), I drove the entire length of SR 99, coming again to US 17, where SPIA is parked for the night.

Before dark, made a second trek on US 17 for another 10 miles...26 miles for the day.

A number of small villages. A "town" on the map...a "spot" on the road; not a single commercial building to be found.

Click click to interesting and historic.

This fellow caused me to cross SR 99 away from him...he was quite aggressive and was nearly the first to receive my MACE. I did not, however, use it on him - or on anything for that matter.

Moss covered Oak Trees abound in South East Georgia.

The avenue from FORT KING GEORGE to DARIEN.

Roadways give way to Old Growth Oak Trees...just like in the Redwood Forests of Oregon and California, which we walked so many long months ago.

Homes out of storybooks.

with a few modern homes for variety.

This estate is for sale.

I have at least 30 mosquito bites which are driving me batty this morning (am completing this post at 7:30 am, Sunday, October 09, 2011).

It is nearly light enough to begin to walk...I NEVER walk in the avoid stepping on a sleeping snake on the warm asphalt roadways.

Am heading North on US 17 toward the City of SAVANNAH, which is about 2 days walk away.

It has been raining heavily the past two nights. Hoping for clear skies today.

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