Monday, October 10, 2011


On River Street, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, this music artist played his magnificent Clarinet.

Our morning began with a pouring it has for the past two days. Walked North on US 17 for 14 miles, then drove SPIA into Old Town SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, parking in a Church lot for $8.00 all day - even tho we parked for only four senior discounts.

I spent the next four hours walking Old Town SAVANNAH in the rain...sometimes a cloudburst, covering BAY STREET and RIVER STREET from end to end.

Many have anticipated our SAVANNAH photographs. So, instead of my narrative, we will share a large number of pictures...some quite OK; some not so OK.

Hope we have fulfilled your requests...many pics are water spotted as the wind was also whipping off the SAVANNAH RIVER...quite impossible to keep my camera dry.

Please click click to read the historical markers.

Enjoy; I certainly enjoyed my four hours in SAVANNAH.

I paused to listen to this gentlemen for a few minutes. He played well.

Rushing to be settled before dark, we crossed the SAVANNAH RIVER BRIDGE on US 17.

Whereas US 17 in Georgia was a first class 4-lane highway, the South Carolina US 17 was a disappointment. It is narrow 2-lane with NO side berm, has not been maintained, and prohibits pull-off parking. We drove 12 miles to the US 17 / I- 95 intersection, where we have found a nice parking spot in the lot of a truck stop.

In the morning, will walk BACK South on that awful US 17. We may switch over to US 170 in the afternoon, which will take us to BEAUFORT, SOUTH CAROLINA...hoping for an improved road.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like I just visited Savannah!! Your pictures captured the essence of Savannah ~ it's so beautiful and historic there! I'm very thankful for all of the pictures - Savannah is one of my favorite cities, and I've not been in 6 years - you gave me a virtual trip there! : ) Pleas be careful in S.C. on US 17, sounds awful!
