Wednesday, October 12, 2011


BEAUFORT, SOUTH CAROLINA sits on a large of a dozen or more islands lying between the BROAD RIVER to the South and the COMBAHEE RIVER to the North.

BEAUFORT celebrated its 300th Birthday this year of 2011. BEAUFORT has played a pivotal roll along the South East American Coast from the time the Spaniards first landed.

Along the way, the islands have served as vast agriculture Plantations making residents of BEAUFORT quite wealthy. Many commercial buildings in the small town and large number of Private Estate Homes have survived the centuries, giving a unique look into centuries of evolution.

I have spent the better part of today walking and and re-walking the shoreline to seek out some of the more prominent...I hope you will enjoy

SPIA parked in WALMART of BEAUFORT, SOUTH CAROLINA last night (and we are in WALMART again tonight). At daybreak, I walked BACK South on US 170 for 4 hours in dense fog.

After a couple hours, the fog started to dissipate a bit, leaving a muggy heavy air mass holding everything down for the entire day and into the evening.

Along US 170 South, a number of "gated" communities have grown up in the dense woodlands...some Apartments and others private homes.

Approaching the 1.5 mile long bridge over the BROAD RIVER, are these PALMETTO trees (yes, plain ole' Palm Trees...which happen to the the SOUTH CAROLINA State Tree. Extensive marshes line the waterways between the dozen or so Islands...including the US Marine Training Base on PARRIS ISLAND....the next island to the left of the above photograph.

BROAD RIVER BRIDGE is an ultra-modern construction...a real pleasure to walk over...even though the fog limited picture taking.

Shallow water marshes as far as the eye can see.

Yes, that is the SUN - ole' Sol ' peering through the dense fog.

A number of PELICANS were diving and swooping near by as I walked the bridge. Many times two or three would skim the water, swoop up to bridge height (about 30 feet above the water) and buzz within a few yards of me...I really think they were enjoying evading my camera as I tried to get their picture...finally, I got one - and ONLY one.

Click click to see the image enlarged.

This marsh is perhaps the most picturesque seascape I have ever had the opportunity to photograph.

This photograph is looking East towards PARRIS ISLAND. The BROAD RIVER is a few yards to the right of this image.

Just to show I was really there...all morning long I could hear the guns firing from PARRIS ISLAND Marine Training Base.

Somewhere on this beautiful flowering plant is a YELLOW Butterfly - or perhaps a Moth.

Please say HELLO to Dan (left) and Brian.

I engaged these two "Gardiner's" in conversation regarding "what is a PALMETTO" and where best to spend my time later in the day while in the town of BEAUFORT.



Both these characters are on sale at WALMART at the moment.

Anchor from an old Sailing Ship.

The "pointy" ends are called FLUKES. Will have to check Wikipedia to get the rest of the anchor parts.

BEAUFORT Marina...tugs at my heart !!

Along the waterfront river is Marina Park. This has got to be one of the best designed and best maintained waterfront park in all of the USA.

PALMETTO Trees in the Waterfront Park.

We now come to some important historical memorials located in the Waterfront Park.

Please click click them to read the small print.

Pushing the BEAUFORT Water Festival.

There is a festival this coming weekend.

Park Theatre-In-The-Round.

Restaurant in the Park.

HEMMINGWAY Bar is next door.

SOUTH CAROLINA Flag with it's PALMETTO TREE Emblem flying below the Stars and Stripes.

I will call this the FORREST GUMP BRIDGE. Many scenes of the movie were filmed in and around BEAUFORT, SOUTH CAROLINA, including his "run" across the above bridge. His "High School" day competitions were filmed at a local High School Track. His "home" was also filmed at a local home, which I am told has been dismantled and moved to two different locations.

In addition to FORREST GUMP, a number of well known movies have been filmed in historic BEAUFORT.

Our old friend, the iron lady.

I have included a large number of noteworthy homes - all within a few minutes walk from the Waterfront Park of BEAUFORT.

I have talked to a number of current residents as I strolled through the moss-covered tree-lined streets fronting these homes. Since I do not remember much of what I was told about them, I will present them without comment:

A down town pathway from Bay Street to the Waterfront Park.

HORN OF PLENTY sitting in front of a delightful store chuck full of seasonal items...all elegantly and tastefully displayed. The owner took me under his wing, explaining that his shop is about 270 years old, as are many of the shops lining Bay Street, the Main Drag of BEAUFORT's three block long down town area.

HORN OF PLENTY shop front on October 12, 2011.

The same shop front just before the CIVIL WAR.

The same shop front just before the REVOLUTIONARY WAR.

I was kindly allowed to photograph these old prints and post them.


A Garden Path from Bay Street to the Waterfront Park.

Reminds me of some scenes I have photographed in the City of SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA.

A Window Display on Bay Street.

I stopped in at "HEMMINGWAYS" Bar in the Waterfront Park.

I thoroughly enjoyed my French Onion Soup and Beer ($6.50).

A fellow diner (Beer for Lunch)...

Please say HELLO to "Kim", known to his friends as "Sea Dog".

Kim says he got his handle while commercial fishing in the South Atlantic Ocean off Brazil a few years back.

Joining for lunch were these four lovely ladies from BARCELONA, SPAIN, on a 2-week visit to the South East of the United States, starting in ATLANTA with stops in a number of cities, including NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA.

I was particularly pleased to meet these ladies as a number of years ago, I spent the better part of two days visiting BARCELONA.

I was able to converse a bit with them as Spanish is similar to Italian. I lived in NAPLES, ITALY for a number of years and picked up passable "Tourist" Italian.

This is an Historic Home in Down Town BEAUFORT.

Bay Street from another angle.

I was fortunate to be allowed to photograph this MAP of BEAUFORT.

The Marina is at lower Left. FORREST GUMP BRIDGE is at lower right. The majority of Historical Estates are to the Right of the roadway leading to GUMP BRIDGE. The entire neighborhood along the right hand side of the MAP is of elegant old homes.

Please click click...this is an excellent map, easily read when enlarged.

Walking along CARTERET STREET (the roadway from GUMP BRIDGE), bumped into this group of young ladies - and young man - carrying huge Pumpkins.

Their Pumpkins came from this vast selection of Pumpkins covering the lawn of the local Methodist Church. They were, I was told, imported from New Mexico just for this event.

The Methodist Church.

Please say HELLO to Joan.

Joan, an 11 year resident of BEAUFORT, SOUTH CAROLINA, is Sales Lady of the Pumpkin Patch...a yearly fund raiser for Church Youngsters Programs. Pumpkin prices range from $0.50 to $22.00.

Joan says she has been doing a brisk business.

A few doors North from the Pumpkin Patch is the BUDGET PRINT Shop.

Please say HELLO to David, owner of BUDGET PRINT..

I stopped in, asking if they would print up some SAM & ME Business Cards - I have the Artwork on my Mini Computer. No problem...two hours later, I walked out with 1,000 new cards, enough to get us to the Peace Arch, 6,000 miles away.

Another local Church.

Now comes a number of Estate photographs. I will not attempt to comment, as I know not of what we see:

What great places to TRICK OR TREAT...don't you agree !

We close our pictoral portion with another shot of FORREST GUMP BRIDGE.

SPIA, SAM & ME are back at WALMART for the night. In the morning, I will walk North on US 170 and US 21 which leads North to CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA, which we should reach sometime early next week.

Hope today's blog has been interesting. I had a particularly marvelous day in BEAUFORT, SOUTH CAROLINA. Of all smaller cities I have walked, BEAUFORT is near or at the top of my list for possible places to settle down.

When I get old and finish walking, perhaps I will return to BEAUFORT...with lots of BUG eaten up by mosquitoes this evening !!!

1 comment:

  1. After seeing all the beautiful spots you visited, Beaufort is definitely a place I will visit! The marina park is so peaceful. I have never been to that part of SC, so looking forward to learning/seeing more as you head towards Charleston!
