Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Now, the above and two following photographs were intended to conclude today's Post. I messed up...went into WALMART for a slice of Pizza and forgot who was on First.

On my way HOME - back to SPIA from the beach, stopped in for one of these World Famous Hotdogs.

Please say HELLO to Mark, my Chef.

Just to let customers know the way it is on GARDEN CITY BEACH.

1/2 hour before daylight, SPIA, SAM & ME left WALMART. This WALMART was North of GEORGETOWN about 3 miles on us 701...not the direction we wanted to go. We drove back to US 17 and drove over the river bridge which was fully shrouded in dense fog...continuing another 5 miles to a super parking place.

Leaving SPIA, walked back to GEORGETOWN and returned to SPIA, only to continue North another couple miles before returning.

As the Sun rose, the fog dissipated, lighting up the thousands of Pine Trees along US 17.

SPIA was parked at the Sales / Leasing Offices of a 2,700 acre residential development located directly on the Atlantic Ocean. DEBORDIEU COLONY is...and I quote from their Sales Brochure:

...is one of the oldest beachside communities on the east coast. According to local legent, the name "DeBordieu" was given to this area by the Marquis de Lafayette. After having navigated secretly for 54 days in order to avoid being captured by the British fleet, Lafayette landed his ship, Victory, on June 13, 1777, and exclaimed "This land is so beautiful it must be the borderland of God! (D'aborde Dieu)". Our Southern pronunciation "Debidue" comes from the local Gullah dialect.... end quote.

There is much more interesting history which can be accessed by contacting DeBordieu Colony Real Estate, Inc. @ www.DeBordieu.com

Please say HELLO to Tom and Sharon, who graciously allowed SPIA to park literally at their front door while I went out walking for a few hours.

A bit further along US 17, this lovely lady did a 180 on the divided 4-lane highway and stopped directly in front of me as I walked North...can you imagine the thoughts coursing through my warped mind...

Please say HELLO to Brenda, driver and owner of her own Taxi company, "Aunt B's Taxi Cab.

How far you been walking, Brenda commanded...a bit startled at her tone, I hesitated and said, oh, about 10,000 miles. Brenda gave me a very stern look...did you walk from CHARLESTON?
Yes. When? About 4 days ago. Did you see a Pink Wallet lying alongside the road? Well, no. My friend put her wallet on the roof of her car and drove off...let's see...yes, last Friday, 4 days ago...you certain you did not find her pink wallet !?

Brenda obviously did not believe me...in defense, I noted the tall roadside grass; I noted the wide "median" between the divided highway; I pleaded that if I had found such a wallet I would have already telephoned the owner...and, and, and

I handed her our SAM & ME business card and explained where I came from, how, why, and when I proceeded to have her find me at this spot. We chatted. I'm Brenda...here's my phone number...I'm gonna follow your walk and will make you my friend - on Facebook (I guess).

Getting the upper hand...may I have your picture? Oh, YES...yes; fluffing her hair and smiling prettily. So, I took two pictures of Brenda, shook her hand through the open driver side window and ... I have many miles to complete today...hope you find your friend's wallet. Oh, I will...as Brenda drove South on US 17. I watched her taxi 'til it was out of sight, sighed and walked North on US 17.

So, it's gonna be one of THOSE days !

Just had to throw this pic in for kicks.We drove on North to PAWLEY'S ISLAND, parked at Ace Hardware, and walked another 12 miles...then drove further North onto US 17 Business to the village of GARDEN CITY, SO. CAROLINA, where good 'ole WALMART came through again, allowing SPIA to park for the night.

Leaving SPIA, I again walked. This time, I walked to the Atlantic Ocean Beaches about 2 miles to the East. Along the way, I met yet another new friend...
Please say HELLO to Sally.

Sally and her hubby were fishing- she for Blue Crabs (using a trap on the end of a rope suspended over the marsh waterway) - while hubby used a line and hook, with shrimp for bait.

I sat in the chair next to Sally and we chatted for a half hour or so while Hubby was busy with his two or three fishing poles, constantly pulling in one line after the other only to find hooks with no bait left...running the barbed hook through a new piece of shrimp, and casting it back off the wooden walkway...I failed to mention that the City had built a beautiful wide wooden walkway over the marsh waters, following Atlantic Street which led to the Beach.

Sally had two (2) Blue Crabs...did not see any fish by hubby.

From the Walkway, a view South over the marsh to the "barrier island" chuck full of homes, nearly all of them on stilts about 20 feet high - to allow storm waves to flow UNDER the homes.

Atlantic Street as I stepped off the Walkway. The Atlantic Ocean Beach is dead ahead.

The beach-side highway running North and South along the beach. MYRTLE BEACH, SO. CAROLINA is on this road about 5 miles further North.

Atlantic Ocean GARDEN CITY Beach, looking South. All those buildings are standing on stilts.

From the same spot, looking North. The buildings in the far distance are in MYRTLE BEACH.

Both previous photographs were taken from the above "Fishing Pier".

I just had to sniff it out.

A true Fishing Pier. Nearly everyone had two or three fishing poles with lines dropped into the Atlantic Ocean Surf below.

Interestingly enough, there was a Pub at each end of the Pier, serving mixed drinks.

A most unusual pose by this Blackbird. Many specie of bird were hopping along the deck of the Pier and sitting on handrails and umbrella tops begging handouts.

This Seagull got really friendly with this lady...she had no tidbits for it, but it was twisting and turning to get a bite of her finger or nose.

Age was no hindrance to who was fishing...and nearly everyone had a number of fish lying in buckets or ice chests nearby.

This is the object of all the fuss on the Fishing Pier. These fellows, about one foot long, are called "TOPS". Looks a lot like sea-run Perch to me...but then again

Please say HELLO to this fine gentleman. I had a nice long chat with him. He two times told me his name and it still did not register. Got more work to do in remembering names.

I know you, sir, are reading this Post, so please accept my apology.

Fishing on the Fishing Pier is a "leisure" activity.

Lots of folks invested in leisure on the pier today.

As I walked by with my Yellow Vest, these gentlemen stopped me...just where are you walking...

Please say HELLO to the GARDEN CITY BEACH "LIARS CLUB" members. One kind gent suggested after hearing my story... You can be an honorary member...no one, of course, walks like you claim.

I stopped on the way back to SPIA for a foot-long Hot Dog. Forgot to put up the photographs, so will do so now...even though they will be way at the top of this Post...sorry 'bout that.

It is now 7:30 local EDT. Clouds began forming about 3:00 pm this afternoon. It is now raining Cats and Dogs. Glad to be in WALMART parking lot instead in a wide spot on US 17 about now.

We shall walk on to MYRTLE BEACH, SOUTH CAROLINA in the morning - weather permitting because I see no need for me to get drenched when I'm not in such a rush these days.

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