Thursday, October 20, 2011


Please say HELLO to Judy.

More of Judy, my new-found friend, follows later.

There are nearly as many Putt Putt Golf businesses along MYRTLE BEACH US 17 as there are restaurants. The PUTT PUTTers vie for most dramatic venue, like this B-45 crashed aircraft.
It is, by the way, a similar aircraft as the one flown by Amelia Erhart when she was lost at sea flying around the World back during the Great Depression.

Leaving SPIA at WALMART in NORTH MYRTLE BEACH, SOUTH CAROLINA, I walked to the South - North Carolina State line...well, within 1/2 mile of the line and back to SPIA.

I stopped short of the State Line because I found a Shock Absorber Company who said they could fix SPIA's malfunctioning Air Shock - they could not at the price they quoted to me

The entire length of the Grand Strand - beach comprising the MYRTLE BEACH, SOUTH CAROLINA area, is about 40 miles long. In this distance are literally hundreds of restaurants...much like the one pictured above.

Yesterday I photographed a large "billboard" advertising Dirty Dick's Restaurant...

The billboard said, "I got my crabs at..." followed by a photograph identical to the one above.

Where one get crabs.

Please say HELLO to Tis.

Tis is the marketing arm for Shrimp Boats sailing out of NORTH MYRTLE BEACH.

Price for one pound of cleaned shrimp was $8.00.

Tis' Office.
I found a half dozen "Gentlemen Clubs" along US 17 MYRTLE BEACH Strip.

Decided I needed my meager $$ for SPIA's gas tank, so did not venture in.

Continuation of the "Sidewalk" Project along US 17.

Above might have resulted from a errant driver doing some Texting..the then again, perhaps not

A marina off the Inter Coastal Waterway.

Two Motor Yachts in the Inter Coastal Waterway.

I had two friends cruise their 30-foot sailboat from New York to Florida and back on this waterway.

A "Turn Table" Bridge opened to let the motor yachts pass through.
The bridge returning to the "closed" position to allow cars to cross over the waterway

The Inter Coastal Waterway looking North from the US 17 Bridge

A Boat Yard along the Inter Coastal Waterway.

North Carolina Tourist Information Center located at SHALLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA.

I stopped SPIA here to obtain a North Carolina Map. Two hours later, both Judy and I were reluctant to end our interesting and stimulating conversation.

Among other things, Judy showed me on the map where to find the local WALMART, where SPIA is once again snuggled down for the night.

Judy and Me.

Judy took a lot of time finding Key people to help SPIA, SAM & ME during our Cross-North Carolina walk. Judy may, in fact, have found a solution to our search for a spot to spend a couple months waiting for deep Winter to pass before we venture North.

In the morning, I will walk 8 miles back toward the South Carolina border to make up my delayed walk of this afternoon...having whiled away hours with Judy.

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