Saturday, October 22, 2011


Please say HELLO to Millie.

Before leaving SHALLOTTE and starting out on my first walk of the day, I stopped in once again at the N.C. Visitors Welcome Center to update Judy on the results of our yesterday war plan.

Had quite a chat with Millie, "Janitor" for the N.C. Visitors Welcome Center, who had the place spic and span.

Last night I had walked North from SHALLOTTE on US 17 to the village of SUPPLY, N.C., so this morning SPIA carried us to the next village, BOLIVIA, NORTH CAROLINA, where we parked SPIA and I walked BACK to SUPPLY.

We then drove SPIA to the next wide spot in the road; WINNABOW, N.C., where we again parked. Once again, I walked Back on US 17 to BOLIVIA.

I nearly walked North from WINNABOW, but checked the map to find that LELAND, NORTH CAROLINA was only 10 miles away. LELAND had a WALMART (I find WALMART stores by going to So, instead of walking this evening to LELAND, I drove to LELAND, parked in WALMART for the night. In the morning, I will walk Back to WINNABOW...then North into WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA.

I know it sounds quite confusing. It is, however, what I must do to keep SPIA nearby while I, if we had a "Driver"...but, never mind.....

Found this extraordinary creek along US 17 Business near BOLIVIA. The reflection is near perfect.

Also near BOLIVIA was this gentleman mowing grass on his expansive yard.

The home of the "Reverend" from the Church (which I did not take a photograph). I was impressed that a Reverend should have such a grand home and immaculate property when ...

...his next door neighbor lived in a manufactured home...nice, but a bit out place next to the Reverends home.

A "clear-cut" Pine Forest. This is the first time I have seen an actual logging area in the deep South. Mostly, they are remote and hidden from the roadway.

I should know the name of this plant, but it escapes me. There were a number of fields along US 17 Business.

Also not seen for many months, we come upon another Fire Lookout Tower.

This Cemetary had a very few graves...they all fit into this image. According to my spell checker, "Cemetary" is spelled with a final "e" problem...I'll go with the above sign.

A grape covered Pergola. In my home in White Plains, New York, I had such a Pergola...very handy for a quick snack.

A group of lazy cows. I walked right up to them, chatting all the while. They did not try to move away. Try as I may, I could not get a smile.

A local Farm House and field.

Just had to photograph this "Rumble Strip". It is on a new section of US 17 near WINNABOW. The ruin of a perfectly good bike lane.

Again, I should know the name of the decorative plant. One finds this plant all over the USA

I took time out this morning to renovate the inside of SPIA. I have been sleeping in the over-the-cab space. Yesterday, I discovered that my recent repair with steel braces had once again split open directly under the spot I sleep. So, I moved my bed to the "Divan" and put light weight things over the cab. By so doing, I evened out the weight distribution, raising SAM's platform hanging on SPIA's rear end up a couple inches.

I also discovered a couple days ago that the side wall on the Passenger side from the entry door to the back of SPIA has come apart on the inside. The "filler" between the outside aluminum skin and the inside is made of thin plywood...ALL OF WHICH IS ROTTED AWAY.

SPIA is, I am afraid, coming apart at the seams. I am doing my best to keep her in one piece, but design, materials, and workmanship is appalling. It is, in fact, just like the RV I tore apart for Harre a few weeks ago...our RV industry should be ashamed.

In the morning, I will walk Back to WINNABOW and then walk into the large city of WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA.

Exciting news has come from the Outer Banks. More is hopefully coming. Will keep it to myself for the moment.

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