Monday, October 24, 2011


Another comfy night in WALMART parking lot followed by a before sunrise walk North on US 17 Business for 12 miles.

Today was rather uneventful as far as photo-opportunity was concerned...Strip Mall along US 17 Business. A block or so set back from US 17 are a number of truly BIG malls with all the Big Box Stores.

Before leaving BELLINGHAM, WASHINGTON on January 12, 2011, the company LES SCHWAB installed Air Shock Absorbers on SPIA to carry the extra load of SAM on the back platform. Every time I checked the Shock air pressure, there was none; i.e., the shocks were not holding the air. I telephone LS in B'HAM...they said..., "...bring SPIA back in and we'll fix it " !
Yeah I'll just drive right over.

Before entering the Rocky Mountains in Arizona, tried to get someone to check them out for me, but could not find a "Shock" company to do the job. LS has no correspondent companies to work with.

Today, I finally found what I believe to be a reputable - 3 references - company (Advanced Automotive) specializing in Motor Homes. We have a 9:30 am appointment in the morning...initial cost just to check the existing installation = $80.00. Who knows after that.

It is essential that the shocks be repaired / replaced. The main leaf springs are being deformed by the heavy load. Before entering Winter in the North, SPIA must have proper suspension...would also be nice if SPIAs sides don't fall off !!!

US 17 Business...lots of Strip Mall Businesses. I must say, however, that business appears to be booming.

This is a business. Liked the profusion of flowers out front.

Please say HELLO to David.

David drives the Propane Truck in the background. I stopped him asking where I could find a place to fill SPIAs propane bottle. David gave me three of which I later found. Will fill up SPIAs bottle before leaving WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA - after we fix the shocks.

A creative advertisement for a wood cutting / selling business. Looks as though some BBQ is in the offing.

Wondered how the grass on steep slopes was cut...there is a mower on the end of that hydraulic articulated arm.

Looking for something to photograph...not much available today.

Fred's Beds was kinda cute.

What an unusual place for a cemetery...until I walked across the highway for a close look...this business creatively set up head stones in a cemetery mock-up.

One of few homes along this portion of US on the main highway toward JACKSONVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA.

Made a second walk of 10 miles in the afternoon.

An old school house turned into a business place for "crafts".
Finally, a bike lane without rumble strip. Was actually pleasant to walk this afternoon...was mostly out in the country - vs - US 17 Business with traffic lights, tons of traffic, no bike lane, no sidewalks...not my favorite place to walk.

Now, this is the way I want MY RV joints to be constructed.

This is a cut-away joint of a new brand of RV being manufactured in MIDDLEBURY, INDIANA (

There is NO wood in the load bearing construction. Aluminum square tubing is used for the joints. The side / roof panels are COMPOSIT (ComposiTek).

These folks have put together a superior product...pricey, but if the 787 uses composite materials, it should be OK for RVs.

4 models are available...all towed trailers with no plans for a Motor Home.

SPIA developed further side - side connection failure. I purchased two more steel angle systems which I will immediately install. My SPIA is coming apart at the seams. I just hope I can keep her together long enough to get us back to BELLINGHAM.

In the morning, will deliver SPIA to Advanced Automotive at 9:30 for a look see and "fix" recommendation for the defective Air Shock Absorbers.

In the interim, I will take the morning off to allow my left leg to rest up a bit...overdid again today...not in miles walked, but took longer strides than I should have and hyper extended my left knee again. Now that I have been injured in that Georgia fall, I insist on pushing pushing, not giving the 'ole body a chance to recover fully.

I know...stupid...but we are finding out what this old body can do...and we have not yet reached the "breaking" point. Quite amazing...even to me.

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