Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Please say HELLO to Dura.


After spending a peaceful and restful night in the Senior Center - hooked up to electricity -, we were awakened by pounding on SPIAs door...just what are you doing here...asks a husky male voice. Good Morning, Sir...My name is Bruce and we are parked here at the request of Kay, the Senior Center Director...

Oh, my goodness, well, I apologize for disturbing you...have a nice an elderly gentleman backs away from SPIAs "Home" door. No problem, Sir...thank you for checking up on us...

Kay was tickled later on when we related the encounter...fist into palm...YEAH ! , like a major milestone had just been breached.

Dura (means "hard" in Latin and Italian) is a misnomer for the kind hearted simpatico lady who entertained me the first couple hours of the morning after FREE Hot Coffee and Cream Cheese on Bagel. What a bunch !

.Dura, was so kind to listen to my tale, she reciprocated in kind by painting a word picture of her love life - meaning Husband(s), relatives, and good fortune to be offered her new position - today was her first day on the job - of Receptionist for TOP SAIL SENIOR CENTER.

Wish you all success and pleasure, Dura, to be with such a vibrant creative group of Seniors.

The long curving drive from US 17 to TOP SAIL SENIOR CENTER.

Folks started coming in the front door making Dura very busy...Kay was buzzing all over the place preparing for lunch - Kay allowed me to set out Brown Paper Bags with BINGO Prizes inside for tomorrow's down and dirty BINGO competition.

Looking for something more to stick my nose into, I introduced myself to a group of ladies sitting around a large table in a meeting room...Knitting Needles clicking, sharp needles pulling thread through needle-point blanks, and I thought I even saw an Embroidery in progress....wouldn't you know, I also do some quite nice embroidery, which my "partner" saw fit to frame and display on the wall of our "Guest Sitting Room". What I did not tell the ladies is that I have a Pure Silk Embroidery project purchased from a Museum in China which I am eager to start when my walk is complete.

Please say HELLO to Barbara Sessions, Merle Morris, Mary Bartus, Louise Holland, Sylvia Hewitt, and Cynthia Helms (in order l. to r. in the "seated" photograph above), displaying for the world to see, their "sewing" creations. Animated and pleased, wouldn't you say !

Cynthia - sporting bangs - is in the Center above...and has her back to the camera in the seated photo.

These ladies allowed me to take up at least 45 minutes of their work session to chat about my walk and answer questions ranging from the weather and the lousy job - my words, not theirs - our Politicians are doing.

I know our Blog readers will be pleased I am finally getting involved with others and sharing it on line.

Kay and her Volunteer Helper cleaning up the Kitchen after Lunch.

Lunch is served every day for the sum of $2.50.

I have been impressed with the versatility of activities and participation of Members and Volunteers alike. Makes me want to hurry up and get old so I can join in.

Reluctantly leaving TOP SAIL SENIOR CENTER...Kay banging on the Kitchen Window, madly waving goodbye as I walked to SPIA...I threw Kay a kiss and drove SPIA down the long driveway to US 17...perhaps leaving my new friends behind for the final time.

As usual, I find the most difficult part of walking is leaving behind new-found-friends.

US 17 led up the center of the LEJUNE Marine Base. Helicopters continuously flew overhead madly beating the dickens out of the air with thump thump thump thump.

They were difficult to photograph as they seemed to always fly into our out of the Sun.

I finally completed 12 miles after driving away from my new friends. I then drove SPIA to WALMART South of town (JACKSONVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA), where we were accepted as overnight parking guests.

Much to my surprise, I ATM'd my Debit Card, which is my lifeline to using my crucial limited Social Security monthly stipend, that I have only $7.49 remaining with no more $$ until November 02, 2011.

This is going to be a very interesting week to say the least.

In the morning, I walk back South on US 17 for 5 miles; then, North and East on SR 24, which leads to CEDAR ISLAND, where we will catch the 2.5 hour Ferry ride to the town of OCRACOKE, NORTH CAROLINA on the island chain protecting PAMLICO SOUND from the stormy Atlantic Ocean. We have been given a FREE ride to OCRACOKE by the State of North Carolina - thanks to the efforts of Judy - and will spend one week as guests at the Family Vacation Home of Karen E. on HATTERAS ISLAND...the home of the famous CAPE HATTERAS LIGHT HOUSE.

So, we have much to look forward to. Yes, we have sacrificed SAM. I shall endeavor to make SAMs sacrifice mean something in the continued success of our walk around the extremity of the United States Of America.

It is very dark parked in another WALMART for another Marine Helicopter roars overhead.

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