Saturday, October 29, 2011



Another pleasant night in the WALMART parking lot. Did my at-daybreak walk Back South on SR 24...returning, finding that I had mis-read the was only 17 miles from CARTERET to MOREHEAD CITY, not 27. I mis-read the map last evening. So, walked an extra 8 miles this morning.

No problem, except, it was VERY cold and windy. The moment I stepped back into SPIA, it began to rain...our portion of the massive snowfall to hit the US North East last night.

To keep warm, I donned my "micro" Hoodie - a gift from friend Les Blackwell...thank you, Les - and gloves I still got chilled. Notice that I washed my vest ?

Made a Ham & Cheese sandwich and left again on a walk North on SR 24 and US 70 which took me to downtown MOREHEAD CITY. Another 12 miles = 28 miles for the day...all under black clouds and stiff, cold wind. High temperature for the day was 55 F.

Don't ya just love this truck.

BRANDYWINE Golf and Country Club. Not such a good picture, but there it is.

Stopped in at this RV Park to get $$ rates. One night is $30.00. One month is $350.00, plus ALL utilities. Oh, yes, SPIA cannot stay more than one RV over 10 years old. They are afraid some will claim "squatters rights" and file a Deed Request in accordance with North Carolina law. A similar law is on the books in Florida.

You have a piece of land and do not use it...someone puts up a "home"...tent, sleeping bag, etc., with no objection from the property owner, the "squatter" can file for a Deed and be awarded his claimed piece of YOUR property.

I have not seen the law, but have received the same story in Florida and North Carolina.

The Guard Cat at the RV Office.

an unkempt grave yard on US 70.

A mile or so away, another grave yard in immaculate condition. $$ do talk.

All grave stones are "flat" except this BABYLAND stone.

One of few churches along US 70 near MORGAN CITY.

A number of marinas dot the way along US 70.

A stone-throw beyond this marina is the Inter Coastal Waterway. Beyond is EMERALD ISLE, which I tried to walk yesterday. Having driven SPIA over to EMERALD ISLE, the first thing I met was a sign..."NO PARKING - except for Shoppers -; No all-day / overnight parking".

So, we returned to the mainland SR 24 for today's walk.

US 70 passing through MOREHEAD CITY.

The Water Tower...leaning just a skosh (what we in Korea said for "a little bit")

The EMS - Fire Departments from MOREHEAD CITY and EMERALD ISLE, set up a vehicle demo, giving tours to adults and Halloween Candy to Angels and Devils.

A Fire Engine with it's ladder extended.

Lots of Civil War action occurred in and around MOREHEAD CITY, NORTH CAROLINA. Recent events have also made the "historic" list.

Please click click to enlarge to read this interesting account of CAROLINA CITY part in the Civil War Battle for FORT MACON...located at the Northern Tip of EMERALD ISLE.

Detail of the battle with a rather good map.

This is the same railroad depicted in the above story and map.

A larger map image.

We have driven to BEAUFORT, NORTH the very top of the above map...where SPIA accepted an offered spot in the parking lot of PIGGLY WIGGLY, a local supermarket chain.

Since I did not eat during my 8-hour walk today (from 7:30 am to 3:30 pm), I decided to treat myself to a Chinese "Plate" restaurant next to PIGGLY WIGGLY. What a gosh awful mistake...the food was terrible and has left me with an upset stomach.

It is now growing dark outside. The wind is howling and SPIA is rocking side to side. Luckily, I have repaired all the skylights and side more leaks. I have also applied cut-to-size windshield reflective aluminum sheets over ALL keeps out the heat in the Summer and keeps IN the heat in the Winter.

Now I have discovered that the step-down to get out of the door has separated from the body, leaving a wide space all around...letting in the cold wind howling at the moment...never seems to be an end to SPIA's maladies.

To compensate, I have cranked up SPIA's Propane Furnace for the first time...seems to be working fine as I am comfy cozy warm. Will shut it off for sleeping.

In the morning, SPIA stays parked while I walk into the town of BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA, which reportedly has a nice "old town" and a good museum which includes memorabilia of Blackbeard the Pirate.

Tomorrow, this blog gets a Pirate story...Oh, didn't I mention that I have been and am today an honest to goodness "Brother" of the historic Brotherhood Of The Coast (an evolutionary part of Piracy), headquartered in Chile, South America...sorry about that.

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