Monday, November 7, 2011


Our blog has referred a number of times to the movie A NIGHT IN RODANTHE.

The above home - with blue shutters - is the home featured in the movie. This home WAS sitting on the Ocean Beach and has been moved to this location behind a formidable beach barrier.

Since being moved, the next two homes in line on that same beach have succumbed to the waters of the Atlantic Ocean within the past two months - since IRENE's passing.

Please say HELLO to Beth and Bonnie.

Beth has recently SOLD her home located in the village of WAVE, one of the three villages which include SALVO and RODANTHE. Bonnie is Beth's Realtor - as well as being Realtor for DEJA VU...and the waterfront home about to topple into the sea.

This morning, I took a LONG walk through all three villages (RODANTHE, WAVE, & SALVO), stopping to speak with every business which was open. There is a Job advertised at the local Convenience Store...if it is still open tomorrow morning, I will apply for it.

Many business have catchy names, such as the one above.

Please say HELLO to John, who declined to be photographed...something about Century LINK concerns. Anyway, John was trouble shooting a massive bunch of itsy bitsy telephone wires in a cylindrical box, on his way to restoring service to local customers...two months after IRENE.

Please say HELLO to Dean...who was under no such duress as John.

Dean was enjoying his day off from the local SURF SHOP...on a "Bus-man's Holiday"...going surfing with some friends about 15 miles South of SALVO, where the waves were better.

SR 12 South of SALVO, NORTH CAROLINA. This area did not receive the devastating flooding that RODANTHE experienced.

Finally, I found what FEMA is doing with all the road-side trash being picked up.

A bit South of SALVO, a large open field is receiving mountains of collected trash, being worked over by the above big hydraulic Clam Shell.

SALVO Cemetery.

Guard Dog for a local business.

She barked like crazy at me until I started chatting with her...then she allowed me to pet her and she actually did pose for her picture.


Please say HELLO to lovely Laura, sales person at the local SHELL Station and Convenience Store. I stopped in to inquire about Propane availability.

Yes, we have pre-filled bottles which can be exchanged. Initial cost: $51.00 /bottle.

Laura's Shell Station.

KOA RV Park got hammered during IRENE. Clean-up is progressing...a few parking sites have been occupied. The entire park must be refurbished, including the Propane Filling Station, which is not yet available.

Another view of KOA and the mound of debris awaiting removal.

PAMLICO SOUND shore-side homes. Flood waters came in here, but did much less damage than a few miles North in RODANTHE.

An estuary canal leading into the Island from PAMLICO SOUND.

Some water-front damage did, however, occur along PAMLICO SOUND.

Another fortunate water-side PAMLICO SOUND community.

I must apologize for my photographs today. I have switched to my second (the new one) camera, which has different features and is different in sensitivity of controls. Will take some getting use to.

It is now 4:00 pm. After posting this episode, I will tackle the massive mounds of "trash" in the yard of DEJA VU. It will take a few days to clean it all up, but I will prevail.

In the morning, I will walk to the Convenience Store and apply for the part-time job if it is still available.

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