Monday, November 14, 2011


Yesterday Karen invited me to accompany her on to EDENTON and ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA. While she went about her appointments, I took advantage of the opportunity to sniff out EDENTON.

The drive covered something like 120 miles over a number of bridges and causeways crossing the expanses of ALBERMARLE SOUND and ROANOKE RIVER...such as the bridge / causeway above.

Overnight my injured leg healed enough that I walked three or four miles around EDENTON, discovering a new (old) lighthouse, many colonial homes, and a half dozen local folks.

including, Madison Phillips...

Please say HELLO to Madison, a life long EDENTON resident..

Walking South on GRANVILLE Street, Madison stopped his vehicle next to me...Why are you taking pictures of THAT house...It isn't an historic house.

Before I could answer...I want to talk to you...follow he drove ahead, letting by the six cars lined up behind him, and pulled into a driveway. I followed as ordered, wondering ...Now what have I done...

Hi, I"m Bruce, handing him my SAM & ME business card...walking around America...Madison Phillips..glad to meet you; here, let's sit on my wall (Sign stuck on a stick planted behind the wall: NO TRESPASSING - DO NOT SIT ON THE WALL).

Madison and I chatted a full 20 minutes, during which I learned that EDENTON was NORTH CAROLINA's first Capital, had two signers of the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, and still hosted sessions of the North Carolina SUPREME COURT.

I also learned how to best spend the remaining 45 minutes allotted by Karen to visit EDENTON, considered one of the most beautiful of North Carolina cities...

I still want to talk to you some more, so please come this way as you walk North...

Saying Good Bye, off I rushed. The following photographs record what I found in this historic town..until this morning I had no idea existed.

Not all homes in EDENTON are on the "Grand" scale.

but, many are;

Have a look .


Click click, Please...

This one is for you, Margo.

A mini Rainbow fronting the Statue dedicated to EDENTON's Confederate Soldiers.

Down Town EDENTON.

And, another photograph of EDENTON Business District.
Mom was standing to my left as I photographed her two children on the bicycle built for the guard dog scowling at the camera.


Two tourists / friends being shown EDENTON by the "local" Hostess - on the left.

Tried to photograph the pooch, but failed.


The rest of my day with Karen was spent in an excellent Chinese Buffet -my treat - driving to her appointments, or sitting in one "Waiting Room" or another reading her book "THE WALK", a fiction by Richard Paul Evans...about a SEATTLE resident making a walk from SEATTLE, WASHINGTON to KEY WEST, FLORIDA.

For tomorrow, Karen has again invited me to accompany her to a couple different local villages as she attends to more appointments.

I wonder what new adventure awaits

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