Thursday, November 17, 2011


Rain, driven by a stiff wind, fell all night last night and all day today. Lightning lit up the sky most of the night and rolling thunder shook SPIA on her old worn out springs.

Twice today, I walked to the local Convenience Store. Once to purchase some needles and a pair of scissors...another time to buy a bag of Cheese body was demanding a snack.

With the needles and the sissors, I mended three pair of walking socks. My big toe has a dagger of a toe nail which after 11,000 miles poked through most of my socks. Tomorrow, I will post a photograph of my "darning" expertise as requested by Cathy Carter of PLYMOUTH, NORTH CAROLINA, who gifted me the skein of Darning Yarn.

Yes, I sew and also do Embroidery...a few of my framed pieces hang in the Guest Room back in BELLINGHAM. Visiting a Museum in China, I purchased Silk cloth and thread to make a copy of a piece on display. I look forward to the day I start that project.

My computer caught a "bug" this morning and shut me down most of the day. With the help of telephone Technical Trouble Shooting, VERIZON helped me put "Windows" back into operation. Mozille Fire Fox Browser still will not open...apparently a problem for some time for others as GOOGLE has a number of references on the subject going back many months.

Windows will not produce a "clean" blog - when photographs are included - on GOOGLE...after creating it, I must spend lots of time editing the data to get it into acceptable format...whereas, FIRE FOX produces a clean product first time around.

Received a phone call from my new Hosts, Bobbi and Brian. They arrived back home in Florida and insisted that I make full use of their Summer Home - HAPPY CLAM - as it has water, electricity, and heat. I'm looking forward to my shower in the morning. Already moved my sock darning project - still have 6 or 7 pair to mend - to their dining room table and filled all SPIA's water bottles from their kitchen faucet...RODANTHE Water Works uses Reverse Osmosis process to desalinate sea water to fresh, claiming the best tasting water in North Carolina. I have no argument there.

Tomorrow, weather permitting, I will drive SPIA South on SR 12 to the village of AVON, OUTER BANKS, NORTH CAROLINA, which has a ACE HARDWARE and a grocery store. I want to purchase a flat-tine pitchfork to help move the piles of grass Hurricane IRENE deposited from the yards of DEJA VU and HAPPY CLAM. Before returning to RODANTHE, will spend the day walking the 13 miles I have missed earlier on between FRISCO and AVON.

I very much enjoyed my 5 days with Karen's family. I am afraid, however, they spoiled me rotten...I would like more of THAT !

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