Friday, November 25, 2011


Another day with no photographs...not that there are none...just that they are of trash and we have seen enough of that.

Did grovel around in the local ditches for 3.5 hours, filling another 6 bags & piling up lots of wood.

Tomorrow, SR 12 must get on without me. I have volunteered - and have been accepted - to work in the local SALVO Food Bank a.k.a. Dining Hall a.k.a. Church.

Staffed by members of a single family, the food bank receives food donations, which they offer to all in need. They also prepare meals a few times a week, free to any in need. They also offer religious services.

Hurricane IRENE destroyed their personal homes. One daughter lives with her infant Son in a FEMA trailer; a second daughter, together with Hubby and four children to 11 years old, rent; the parents have cleaned up the flood damaged Food Bank / Dining Hall / Sanctuary enough to resume helping folks in need...they have moved into a back room as they continue repairing the facility.

The Father, partially paralyzed from a medical condition, leads the family members and citizen volunteers to continue repairs and operation of their free community services.

I have volunteered to join the cast of helpers, starting at 8:30 tomorrow morning.

I will continue SR 12 clean-up. I will continue Storm clean-up of DEJA VU and HAPPY CLAM. I will continue my planned local walks. In short, I have just about filled my calendar pending my early February 2012 walk to the ST LAWRENCE River and West to Vancouver, B.C.

Awesome what has happening...since I got off the couch, took a bit of a walk, shook a few bushes, peeked around corners and over hills along the way.

Much remains before the mission is complete.

As all true Sailors will tell...completion is not the goal; the trip is the important part...completion is simply an interlude in between...

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