Monday, November 28, 2011


8:30 am yesterday morning, I reported for work at SALVO Food Bank. I was met by Pastor Steve as I backed SPIA into a spot out of the way of the parking lot.

Ready for a cup of coffee, asked P. Steve...You bet, I replied, following into the private quarters still being built in the back of the building. Coffee was served together with a plate of French Toast by Betty, P. Steve's wife.

Betty met me a few days ago when I first walked into the Food Bank. I have spent two entire days working along side the family...not once have I seen Betty take a break or sit down. Betty is every where, at every conceivable task, including waiting on everyone from a glass of water to a turkey dinner.

Working along side Betty cleaning and stocking the Food Pantry for today's customers, I missed half of Pastor Steve's Service.

Daughters Melinda and Mandy (with guitar) provided music; P. Steve, afflicted with Polio, looked on from his wheel chair.

Pastor Steve delivered a low key sermon "Old Time Religion" bringing chuckles from his small congregation.

Please say HELLO to Pastor Steve.

Next week, daughter Melinda, will provide Food Bank leadership and Services in the absence of Betty and P. Steve.
From across SR 12, SALVO Food Bank hosts Sunday services to 12 vehicles of visitors.

In addition to daily "drop off" donations, a local Supermarket donates food including hot Chickens, pastries, desserts, and canned goods three times a week: Sunday attended primarily - but not exclusively - by the Congregation. Wednesday and Friday mornings, the Public is invited to the Food Bank. Formal hours are from 10:00 am "til the last person leaves. In actual fact, folks can stop by anytime someone is on hand to open up the Food Pantry.

The Food Pantry.

In a locked cupboard are two freezers filled with frozen meats and prepared foods. Veggies, hot dishes, and packaged / canned goods are taken as desired from stocked shelves, table tops, and yes, even from the bed of the delivery truck.

Everyone helps themselves to fill their own needs.

Some folks were waiting in their cars for the Food Bank to open, which out of consideration to all, was closed until Sunday Services were over.

I must add...P. Steve built the Food Bank Distribution Shed(s), two of which are locked up at night. Next week, P. Steve starts work on a second floor living area for daughter Melinda, Husband, AJ, and their four children. In addition to being Betty"s Right Hand Madam, Melinda leads the youth group, and conducts many of the Church Services. She will start Seminary School shortly.

Selecting from the Food Cuke at a time.

Please say HELLO - again - to Dean. We met Dean on Post 499 as he headed to the beach, surf board under arm.

The recently renovated Dining Hall. It was under 3 feet of water during Hurricane IRENE.

On my first night of volunteering my help, I enjoyed sharing the Family after-Thanksgiving dinner at these tables.

After four days of evading me, the local stray kitty cat has finally made friends with me.

Today is Monday, November 28, 2011. Early on, I cleaned another few blocks of SR 12. I must admit to extreme fatigue from all the bending and lifting trash. After 2.5 hours, I walked back to HAPPY CLAM, loaded a fourth Trash Can with IRENE "stuff" form DEJA VU, washed up, ...then fell into bed where I slept soundly for nearly four hours.

Tomorrow, the Garbage Collector empties the trash cans. Will refill them with IRENE's trash from HAPPY CLAM and DEJA VU...then Police a few more blocks of SR 12.

On Wednesday, will help Melinda with the "Public" Food Bank distribution.

On Friday, have accepted Karen's invitation to visit the family COLUMBIA home for the weekend.

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