Wednesday, November 30, 2011

POST 521 - DAY 315 / 59: SALVO, OUTER BANKS, N.C.

OUTER BANKS weather has once again turned cold. Using a caulking gun and adhesive backed THICK aluminum,\ tape, I have made SPIA about as weather tight as can be. The overhead skylights have been sealed off with thick foam. Will Velcro micro-fiber blankets to the inside walls / windows to finish off my efforts to stop all drafts...leaving cross ventilating sliding windows accessible.

Reported to the Food Bank at the 8:30 am appointed hour. No one being up and about, I set into cleaning the front entrance and the Food Pantry in preparation of displaying food well as furniture and clothing...for today's customers.

Both Storage Sheds were opened, disgorging bedroom sets, tables & chairs, small kitchen appliances, and cleaning materials.

Food Pantry Tables were loaded by the many volunteers.

Kitty Cat supervising.

Shopping Bags and boxes were provided for customers to fill with their selections.

Betty was busy handing out frozen foods from the two freezers.

Please say HELLO to Betty.

...with Daughter, Melinda's help..

Please say HELLO to Melinda.

An initial rush slowed after a while...the Food Pantry remained open - unsupervised - all day.

There were many choices.

The Food Bank repeats offerings every Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday.

As it was bitter cold this morning, I did not police SR 12.

I took the opportunity to use the Food Bank ladder to reach the top of SPIA. The caulking between Side Panels and the Roof had dried and cracked, letting rain water and night time condensation seep in. Using adhesive backed aluminum tape, I sealed all edge connections and hand rail mountings. May not look so great, but should stop further leaks.

Completed "The Angry Hills"...was a good Historical Novel. Now into "Luciano's Luck"...a story of particular interest to me. Living in NAPLES, ITALY from 1957 thru 1960, I lived across the street from Lucky Luciano.

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