Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Walked nearly the entire day today and never got out of RODANTHE.

Yesterday, left four piles of "stuff" I picked up from SR 12. Not knowing what to do with the stuff, I simply left it in neat piles on the side of SR 12.

Last evening while surfing Brian's (HAPPY CLAM) TV, the local DARE COUNTY Department of Public Works put up an announcement that it is illegal to leave any more trash on SR 12...the time for clean-up from Hurricane IRENE has been closed by FEMA.

As with most notices from "authorities", the announcement carried a reference to a $200.00 fine for violation of the clean-up rule.

Not knowing how to continue, I walked to Bonnie's Realtor offices to ask guidance. Bonnie was not in, but her Mom, Martha, was. Explaining to Martha that I simply wanted to volunteer to help clean up SR 12, she interrupted me, picked up the phone, got Andrew on the line. Andrew, Director of DARE COUNTY Department of Public Works just happens to be her Cousin. I now have a written authorization to "police" SR 12 from RODANTHE on the North to SALVO on the South - a distance of about 4 miles - , leaving trash bags for Andrew's crews to pick up at some later time.

Guess it isn't every day someone walks clean across the USA to volunteer to help clean up after their disaster....I responded it is the least I can do for the kindness extended to SPIA and I to hang out until February.

Walking back to SPIA, I went right to work. Cleaned out another section of DEJA VU's yard - from the "stuff" piled high by IRENE...then started in on SR 12.

I have completed the Northern entrance into RODANTHE...must say it looks kinda nice to see the litter and trash gone from SR 12.

Have only 3.85 miles more to police.

Re-reading this update, I realize that it must be boring as heck...SAM & ME advertises an old guy walking the USA, not picking up trash.

I ask consideration for me to make a good dent into cleaning SR 12 the next three days 'til Friday. On Saturday, February 26, I plan to drive SPIA North on SR 12 to OREGON INLET and walk for the next 5 or 6 days to and beyond KITTY HAWK...then take the bridge/causeway to visit villages on the Island of ROANOAK.

That will take us into December. I will put together a December itinerary to visit a number of villages on the mainland, posting to SAM & ME as we walk.

In explanation of the "Subject" line of each blog update:

POST = the number of Posts made to Google and Facebook since SAM & ME began POSTS.

DAY = the number of days from January 12, 2011, the day we started on our present journey.

/ --- = the number of days since leaving LAKE CITY, FLORIDA on our current walk to the ST. LAWRENCE RIVER and beyond.

I realize the "DAY" count is not accurate, but it is close enough for Government Work...as we use to say way back when !

As an aside, I have been engaged by a few locals in conversation about the degradation of our Country as regards jobs (or "no" jobs), discord among our leaders, and instability regarding the outlook for Mr. & Mrs. (and Ms.) America. Folks are not pleased. Folks are concerned. Folks are becoming angry. Introduction of "violence" in the OCCUPY endemic is quite upsetting.

I attempt to avoid Politics. I attempt to avoid Religion . I attempt to share what I find among those I meet across America. I am not altogether successful.

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