Monday, December 5, 2011

POST 523 - DAY 317 - 319 / 61 - 63: OUTER BANKS - COLUMBIA - OUTER BANKS, N.C.

Christmas Tree in Karen & Craig's home in COLUMBIA, NORTH CAROLINA.

The OUTER BANKS are about 20 miles from the mainland, separated by a number of large "Sounds". At the South End of the OUTER BANKS, one travels by Ferry Boat. At the Central and North end of the OUTER BANKS, one crosses the wide shallow Sounds on one of a half dozen bridges and causeways.

Here and there is a still used portion of Old US 64.

The Causeway / Bridge over the ROANOKE SOUND approaching ROANOKE Island on US 64.

Leaving ROANOKE ISLAND on Business US 64, a sweeping causeway crosses the ALLIGATOR RIVER...which happens to be a portion of the INTER COASTAL WATERWAY...that inland water way which extends from Texas in the South to NEW YORK HARBOR in the North.

Another view of crossing the ALLIGATOR RIVER, heading for COLUMBIA.

The Post Office at MANN"S HARBOR, on the mainland at the Western end of the above causeway.

Last Friday, December 02, 2011, was garbage pickup day. I waited for the garbage trucks to empty the four trash barrels full of IRENE trash...then I refilled all four and set them out for next Tuesday pick-up.

Drove to the Food Bank to see if there was any tasks for me...Nope ! So, I drove SPIA North on SR 12 to NAGS HEAD on the OUTER BANKS, then turned left onto US 64, following it across the various Sounds and ROANOKE Island to the home of Karen and Craig in COLUMBIA, North Carolina, where I spent 3 nights and days being spoiled rotten.

A Waterfront home behind the MANN'S HARBOR Post Office.

The canal bordering US 64. On Saturday, I took an early morning walk back East along US 64. There are many Black Bears running around the mainland and islands along US 64. My poor luck is still with me...still not a single- large - wild animal or snake have I seen on my entire walk since leaving the Canadian Border on January 12, 2011.

Main Street COLUMBIA on Friday Night.

Friday night was the Lighted Boat Parade on the SCUPPERNONG RIVER. I took many photographs...not a single image turned out...must practice night photography.

COLUMBIA MARINA ... SCUPPERNONG RIVER is behind the camera. The lighted figures decorate the River Park where Main Street begins.

Home Made Christmas decorations were on sale Saturday Afternoon just before the Christmas Parade rolled down Main Street.

Christmas Parade Day...Saturday, December 03, 2011, COLUMBIA, NORTH CAROLINA.

The Color Guard.

COLUMBIA HIGH SCHOOL Marching Band...Son Carson plays in this group.

I have an excellent video...I hope it will up-load.

Veterans Float.

Visiting High School Marching Band.

On Sunday, Karen drove Carson and I to the SOMERSET PLANTATION, about 13 miles South West of COLUMBIA.

Slave Quarters.

Plantation Owner's (Collins Family) Home.

Traditional seasonal decorations on the buildings.

Karen is peeking through the window.

We arrived a bit late for the "Open House", but Karen was a good guide.

Karen and Son, Carson.

Slave Overseer's Home...reconstruction.

One of three live animals we encountered...there was a second Goat and a friendly Kitty Cat.

Looking into the far distance, the North border of the Plantation is visible.

Last evening, COLUMBIA HIGH SCHOOL held a Christmas Music Program in the Auditorium. Both Noah (Trumpet) and Carson (Drums) played in the Orchestra.

In addition to the Orchestra, small ensembles of individual grades played and the High School Choir performed. The program lasted well over one hour and was very pleasant to see and hear.

I took a number of photographs...just like with the Lighted Boat Parade, not a single image turned out

In the next week or so, Karen has asked me to return to help paint the inside of their home. It was flooded during Hurricane IRENE. It is about 90 percent reconditioned, but painting and some flooring is yet to be completed.

Truth be known, I would like very much to simply hang out with these wonderful folks in COLUMBIA. Three weeks ago we were total strangers. It will be difficult to come to terms with myself when I once again walk North.

For now, I have returned to RODANTHE, OUTER BANKS, where in the morning, I will throw myself into finishing the policing of SR 12 from RODANTHE, thru WAVE, and SALVO. I will also complete cleanup of the yard and some inside-the-house cleanup of DEJA VU, and continue to help Pastor Steve's Food Bank in SALVO.

Karen has gifted me a king-size down comforter and a "tube" pillow to help keep me warm...also gives me something to Hug... in the long cooling nights on the OUTER BANKS

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