Sunday, January 1, 2012


First day of 2012 has been sunny warm on the Outer Banks, North Carolina.

The Food Bank / Church crew held an all-night New Years party in the Dining Hall for local teenagers...morning schedules were a bit discombobulated, but must hand it to the sisters Melinda and Mandy for carrying on, including having the Food Bank ready for customers by noon.

I showed up at 8:30 am, as normal, but not hair nor hide of anyone, so I packed it in, drove back to southern Rodanthe, parked SPIA, put on my grubbers, and spent the next 4 hours mucking out trash from alongside Highway SR 12. Must looks real nice !

Spent some time relaxing in HAPPY CLAM watching a series of TV...something I have not done for many a moon.

Temperatures the next couple nights are supposed to dip into the 20's. Just in time, I have completed winterizing SPIA, so should be toasty warm inside...possibly even without the propane furnace running.

The floor now has a quadruple barrier of: linoleum, carpet padding, rubber, & carpet.

The walls have double thickness of fine-woven blankets hanging ceiling to seat cushions.

Entrance door has a beach towel hanging freely - that over wall/floor seams that have been sealed with epoxy & adhesive backed foam.

Another blanket hangs doubled between the drivers cab and the living quarters.

Thought pics of my bedroom might be interesting...

The couch/seat back folds out to form a double bed. The doubled hanging blanket cuts off radiant heat/cold from the outside wall - hanging blankets gifted from Karen Estey, DEJA VU)

Two air mattresses cover the seat cushions - to level them out.

A Duvet serves as bottom sheet over the air mattresses.

Three pillows complete the basic "layout".

Karen's gifted long pillow wraps against the outside and toilet/shower wall - this to keep my feet warm, as I do not like wearing socks while sleeping.

A 6 inch walking space next to the dinette table leads from the "kitchen" to the toilet behind the distant door...which door is kept closed as the toilet area is not winterized.

Months ago I purchased the red / blue long pillow. It now completes the wrap around my "mattress" cutting off all radiant heat/cold from the outside wall. It also keeps my body from leaning against the outside wall, which is the one which came apart a few months ago.

Under the bed is storage area for fresh water tank, electrical cord for AC hookup, and two storage spaces...the entire floor under there is carpeted (original construction carpeting).

My Queen Size Duvet is added as a "Summer" cover. It can be doubled for extra warmth.

Karen also gifted me a "down" Duvet (the tan Comforter), which is King Size, light as a feather, and toasty warm.

It is shown above doubled over for extra warmth.

All my covers fit "loose". I simply cannot sleep with tucked-in blankets which crush my toes.

I often times use one of my three pillows between my knees...don't is VERY comfy and keeps my knee bones from poking my leg.

Beach towel hanging over the entrance door.

The blue rubber gloves are extra thick working gloves which I use to grub around in the filthy ditches of Highway SR 12.

A look at SPIA's cabin looking from the kitchen into the rear toilet room.

Mini computer rests on the dinette table to the left.

Wear-ready clothes fill the ice chest to the left.

Reflective walking jacket hangs in the distance.

The toilet skylight is opened a bit for ventilation at night. The toilet room door is also left open a inch or two for the same reason. Otherwise, SPIA is closed up tight as a drum at night.

All things considered, it beats setting up the tent every night on the cold ground.

Yes, I have the tent and complete camping equipment in addition to SPIA...only SAM is no longer with us...I miss her !


  1. It looks very cozy! You've done a great job winterizing everything. Happy New Year ~ hope 2012 is a wonderful year for you!!


  2. Hi Bruce, we have never met in person but have been following your blog from here in Bellingham since you left the first time from the Peace Arch in Blaine. I have enjoyed your adventures and pics. When you were here in town i would see you and SAM walking and getting in shape. Sorry you had to leave SAM behind. I am glad you have gotten SPIA sealed up but you would probably be warmer if you didn't sleep on the air mattresses. I have slept on them in a cold cabin and it is hard to keep the warmth in. Just my suggestion!!

    I admire your adventerous spirit and tenacity to perservere. I will keep on enjoying your writing and adventures. Warmly, Lynne in Bellingham
