Sunday, January 15, 2012


It has turned quite cold on the Outer Banks, North Carolina.

and, wouldn't you know...SPIA ran out of Propane this evening...moments AFTER the only two Propane Service Stations on Hatteras Island closed for the opportunity to truly test the interior insulation on a below-freezing night.

Been much too cold to muck in SR 12 ditches, and Food Bank attendance has dwindled somewhat since 2012 has rolled around. Friday and today, however, were bonanza days in terms of goodies offered up from the local Food Lion Supermarket(s).

A number of folks today toted off full boxes of miscellaneous meat products...Cornish game hens, steaks, roasts, chickens & turkey specialties, ground round, and of course unlimited wieners. No one went home without a week worth of goodies...all at no cost - except to Pastor Steve, who is still in Florida with wife Betty for another couple weeks. Daughters, Melinda and Mandy are doing a creditable job in their absence.

I have used my spare time continuing to winterize SPIA. The cab-over area has been sealed all around inside and lined with blankets and bubble wrap. It is totally isolated from the main living area...and none too soon as it will be somewhat below freezing tonight...and SPIA with no heat.

I will be toasty snuggled between my three duvets and two body pillows - not to mention my three head pillows. In the morning, we can replenish the Propane. Then, if Barbara & hubby are true to promised schedule, I will begin their painting project. That will keep me occupied for a week or two - with time out to run (drive) to Columbia - with a stop in Wachese to install SPIAs new front-end basket for the ever-important spare Propane bottles -.

One positive element has emerged from running out of Propane...I finally started up the refrigerator using AC electricity - instead of burning up Propane. I have hesitated to use AC as it means more cost to my hosts (HAPPY CLAM). Am looking for an appropriate "thank you" for allowing me to use their carport, drinking water, and hot showers during my winter-over in Rodanthe.

Having time to enjoy reading from my Kindle.....(Edit): Original blog included reference to the story I am now reading...felt it might be a bit too racy, so deleted it. Now 75% finished and, yes, it is racy - in an adolescent funny way, so back in it goes: A fascinating novel of a 13-year old living on the mud flats of Southern Puget Sound - near Olympia, the capital city of Washington State -: "The Highest Tide" by Jim Lynch. Very well written. I am, of course, biased, as the locale is only a few miles from the Stump Ranch where I spent the first nine years of my life. There is nothing more interesting than to read an other's take on a time / place of my own life.

Am looking forward to tomorrow morning. Melinda and her Son - who recently won the State of Virginia - 84 pound class Wrestling Title - will return from the USA Wrestling Championships. We may have a National Champ on our hands.

Stay tuned.

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