Friday, February 10, 2012


Friday evening with a light rain and thankfully no wind. Looks to be a pleasant night in Rodanthe.

After helping with the Food Pantry (Friday), was driven by Tim to Kitty Hawk for my cataract eye surgery. All went well - even though my blood pressure was 189 / 155...they nearly refused to proceed, but since I did not take my heart medication this morning, they pumped me up via intravenous and proceeded with the procedure.

All seems to have ended least I woke up still alive and, alls well that ends well.

Tim, Barbara and I stopped - again - at Applebees Restaurant for din din on the way home.

In the morning, must drive once again to Nags Head - using SPIA - to have a look-see by the Surgeon and receive my new eyeglasses prescription.,,which I plan to order from Wall*Mart.

Tim took the opportunity - while waiting for me - to visit Home Depot where he purchased carpet for three rooms, a couple more door/frames, and miscellaneous. We will have plenty of stuff to work on the next couple weeks.

Thank you all, for the good wishes...kept your images looking on as I went under the knife.

A special Hello to Peggy in Astoria, Oregon...miss you ! Would love to chat if your furry friends permit a free moment or two...HI, to your Mom.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bruce. Glad all went well. The critters are doing great. Just out in the pastures eatin' grass and growing fiber. Mom turned 91 at the end of December . . . she's doing great . . . just a little trouble walking every now and again due to arthritis in her feet. I'd love to chat when you have a chance. It sounds like you are keeping yourself very busy in North Carolina.
