Sunday, February 5, 2012


10:20 pm and just returned "home" from enjoying big screen Super Bowl, endless food treats, and the families of Melinda and sister Melanie. Way to go New York Giants...victorious in a rather good game.

Past two days have been spreading lots of paint on the railing - should be finished with the second coat by tomorrow - and this afternoon finished the second coat of next to last room in Barbara and Tim's new home.

Must share an interesting development regarding my eyes:

Returning from Columbia (Karen and Craig's home), stopped in at the Eye Clinic in Nags Head (village), where prep work was done for my next Friday Cataract operation. In the process, the Doctor discovered my 15 year old right eye lens replacement had deteriorated to the point that laser treatment was recommended.

For the last 12 years or so, I have been losing my night vision to the degree that I could not safely drive at night - difficult to see the road without the white line -, and could not see the dashboard well enough to read how fast I was going.

Turns out that the new lens is "smaller" than the original lens - replaced 15 years ago. After a while, the "excess" iris material apparently becomes sagging - kinda like getting baggy jowls - which cuts down on light entering the eye. The laser treatment, which takes all of five minutes, punches holes through the iris, letting in more light.

Tonight driving home in the dark from Melinda and A.J., I could see the highway perfectly...first time in many years.

Down side from the upcoming left eye cataract surgery is significant $$ cost, expected to be somewhat in excess of $1,000.00 after insurance - heck, the eye drop medication preceding the surgery cost over $200.00 for two itsy bitsy lousy bottles of a few drops each.

Seriously considered cancelling the entire process.

Then again, I might get lucky to live a few more years...and why not...being able to see would be a plus.

So, we are proceeding.

It will be necessary, however, to extend my "winter-over" on the Outer Banks until the end of March to refill the $$ kitty before continuing my walk.

Instead of walking through Vermont to the St. Lawrence River, will most likely choose a shorter route; i.e., North Carolina diagonally North West to De Kalb, Illinois where my sister Carol is in full assisted living - suffering from a number of ailments.

In the mean time, will continue to volunteer - sans $$ receipt -, helping folks recover from the September hurricane damages.

I know, I know...have been told I'm a bit unrealistic to reject payment. I have determined, however, to complete my walk solely on my Social Security $$. In any event, I enjoy helping as many folks as possible while I have the physical ability...what better way to show my appreciation for all that has been received from so many along the way.

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