Sunday, February 19, 2012


The "Southeaster" has set in with emphasis this afternoon...although, the front moved in as a "Northeaster". Blustering winds are sending clouds of fine particles of beach sand drifting across Highway 12.

Attended a wrestling symposium in Kitty Hawk "First Flight" High School this afternoon, necessitating driving from Rodanthe to the Northern-most island, a distance of about 40 miles -.

The youngsters (5 - 11 years old) competed in an "open" wrestling seminar. For the first time, I broke out my near-professional video camera (purchased when negotiating a movie contract for my walk - which fell through). After short lessons from young-uns, succeeded in taping a number of wrestling matches, which I gave to the "Moms" for TV viewing.

- will look into a video software program which I can use to include up-coming walk/video on my blog.

As a passenger on the return trip in Tim's Nissan SUV, was impressive to watch high on-shore winds blow sand across Hwy 12, causing treacherous driving and quickly covering the roadway.

In the morning, DOT will most probably be out with heavy equipment to remove the sand from the macadam (asphalt), as it becomes quite slippery as it builds up...not unlike snow.

Speaking of snow, some weather reports predict snow by tomorrow morning for this same Highway 12. Winter, only a few weeks to go, is still very much with us.

Early this morning, was on duty alone at the Food Pantry; unpacking, sorting and stocking shelves from many boxes of pastry, deserts, and veggies which were picked up yesterday (Saturday) from Nags Head by Pastor Steve. Took a while, but I enjoy working a feeling of creativity sensa "constructive" criticism. Was not on hand for customer reaction to my effort(s), as Tim and Barbara whisked me away to Kitty Hawk before the opening bell.

There is a growing lobby on this quick-sand island to intimidate / say entice / me to remain on the Outer Banks. My reception and subsequent acceptance by the locals has been beyond real. Under any other circumstances, I know of no one who would not rush to accept such treatment.

Two years ago March 20, 2010, I started walking...knowing not, really, where my meandering might take me. I have come to accept the real possibility that I can not only complete my USA (mainland) circumnavigation - plus the (already completed) diagonal from the Peace Arch to Key West, but also take on Lisbon, Portugal to Beijing, China...and potentially even Beijing to the Bearing Sea via Siberia...thence across to Alaska and down the ALCAN Highway back to my starting point, the Peach Arch at Vancouver, B.C., Canada / USA border.

That would be a true walk around the world's land mass...a worthy goal for any man/woman.

Then, I am faced with offers such as I am receiving from these marvelous folks of the Outer Banks.

I truly like the Outer Banks. I truly enjoy those living on the Outer Banks. Every day I get prodded to start writing book(s) of my experiences - I have been blessed with an extraordinary life culminating in unbelievable stamina and health at my advanced age -.

I am nearing a decision to begin writing. I am strongly tempted to do so and now on the Outer Banks.

Yet, I have a mission. I WILL complete my circumnavigation of the USA. Lisbon and beyond is not so certain as it requires support and $$ I do not presently command.

My decision must, however, come within the next couple sit tight...or, to head for the Peace Arch. It is, for me, a win / win decision.

I have always been a critique of lobbyists ; and now, I find lobbyists directly influencing my life.

I have embarked - and completed - many sagas...none more perplexing than this one.

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