Tuesday, March 6, 2012

POST 561: 03/06/12: RICH SQUARE - GASTON, N.C.

Bitter cold last night. Inside SPIA was 39 F. at 5:00 am. Was later advised that outside temperature was in the low 20s...I believe it.

With Karen's feather duvet, I kept snug, cozy, and warm all night - without SPIA furnace heat.

Began walking at 6:45 am - a bit late - with the sun blazing into a cloudless sky...but bitter cold with a North West breeze.

Some ice on roadside puddles, but the swamps were free and beautiful with the sun penetrating the thick trees.

Depending on the sun angle, views were breathtaking.

At the end of this logging road, the distant field was sparkling white from frost/dew on the ground.

Considerable logging is going on in North Central North Carolina. Thank goodness, the forester companies have planted new trees which should be harvested in 75 to 100 years.

Unusual: more than 50% of rural home in North-Central North Carolina are either mobile or manufactured homes.

Above we see a manufactured home next to a "permanent" structure.

Logging trucks came at me on narrow Highway 305...exciting moments...but I always wave and give the drivers plenty of room to pass by safely...often receive a toot toot.

Many Highway 308 / 305 homes pass by sleepy farm villages.

Came upon a major exception today: Jackson, North Carolina, sporting the above (and below) impressive Greek architecture Court House. The entire town is resplendent with large impressive truly old-southern mansions.

The Court House in Jackson, North Carolina is truly impressive, reminding me of my recent stroll down main street, Athens, Greece.

The historic sign telling from whence came such a beautiful Court House.

Click click to enlarge.

Court House Annex (around back).

Another of the many local historic residents...found throughout the South of the United States.

Governor Bragg's home.

Another home in Jackson, North Carolina.

...and another...nice touch, the gazebo as part of the front porch.

Bird houses for the Blue/Purple Martin (we North westerners call 'em "Sparrows"), in Jackson, North Carolina.

Brick is a favorite building material.

A ranch house north of Jackson, North Carolina, on Highway 305.

...and another.

Today was a good walking day. Very little pain in the legs...lessening as the day progressed.

Made two legs of: 12 miles; 10 miles.

Arrived in Gaston, North Carolina, where I planned to park and make a third leg of 8 - 10 miles, reaching the border of the State of Virginia.

Passed by three or four good prospects for parking overnight, but kept on to a Sheet Metal business, where I pulled in and parked.

Of course, we can park...even overnight.

Woo and behold, the left side of SPIA has again become loose and is in danger of coming apart from the main body. Luckily, many months ago in Mississippi, I purchased additional "L" bars, bolts and nuts for just such an event.

Begging electricity from the Sheet Metal Shop,. I spent the next two hours unloading all of SPIA to reach the effected side from the inside; and, proceeded to install one of the "L" Bars.

Was fortunate to get it installed - even though I would have liked to install two "L" Bars (I had the material). The design of SPIA would not permit access to install the second "L" Bar, so we had to settle for one.

Hopefully, it will keep SPIA from coming apart somewhere out in the wilderness of Montana.

The above pic shows the current repair (to the right), together with the previous repairs made months ago in Mississippi.

To minimize stress on the side of SPIA, I have rearranged all heavy items to the floor...at much inconvenience to moving around...a small price to pay if it will keep SPIA together.

In the morning, will walk North on Highway 46 across the border and into the State of Virginia.

Just before writing this blog, I telephoned Karen in Columbia, relating SPIA's coming apart..

Karen was blunt: ...why don't you turn around and come home like I told you !

What have I done to deserve such friends...

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