Thursday, March 8, 2012


Last night SPIA parked across Highway 1 from the Community College.

At 6:30 am, walked north on Highway 46 for 12 difficulties, but still somewhat sore.

Sleepy Ranch.

Many ranches have their own small lakes. Some are quite picturesque.

There is a bubbling brook coming out from under the arch formed by the tree roots...

just had to stop and share it with you.

After returning to SPIA, drove 19 miles to the town of Kenbridge, Virginia. Had planned on stopping earlier on, but simply no suitable place to park SPIA. I try to find a spot which has some folks nearby - to kinda keep an eye on her while I go walking.

Finally found a perfect spot on the outskirts of the town of Kenbridge. It was a small business with a bit of parking...and no one was present. So, doing what I have NEVER done before, I left our Business Card and took off walking.

Upon returning - after walking another 8 miles -, found John at home. John and I chatted for a few minutes - he offering a glass of ice water and showing some pictures of his family...especially his baby daughter, Janie.

John asked me if I would read about Janie, handing me his computer generated copy of the local news story.

I thought I would share Janie's story...I just happen to know a few folks who will care !

Page 1 of 2 pages (see below).

PLEASE CLICK CLICK to enlarge the print.

Page 2.

Please say HELLO to John Hite...a new-found friend.

Following are a few Kenbridge, Virginia, homes.

US 40 leaving Kenbridge for the next town, Victoria, where we plan to stay for the night.

Central High School, Victoria, Virginia.

Past blogs have made an issue of the color of soils across America.

Here, in Southern Central Virginia, the soil is beginning to turn red.

US 40 between Kenbridge and Victoria.

From Kenbridge, drove SPIA to Victoria, where we found parking at the local Food Lion.

Checked in with the manager...then started walking BACK on US 40 to Kenbridge, 7 miles away.

It was such a beautiful day...big fluffy clouds scooting across the sky; in spite of already completing 20 miles on foot, I was feeling, I continued walking for a full 10 miles, finally stopping in at the above CITGO because they advertised "clothing for sale", hoping I could find some shoe leather to repair the toes of my shoes.

Instead, I found "Grace" at the counter. Handing her our Business Card and explaining my worn shoe toes - the reason I asked for leather - Grace's jaw dropped...Naw...nobody walks like that...come here, says she, escorting me to the beverage cooler.

Grace takes out a new product "Body Armor" and gifts me two bottles.

Grace was a bit shy to have her picture taken, so I filmed her gifts to me...delicious - and ice cold.

Tho we have no pic, please say HELLO to Grace.

SPIA parked at Food Lion, where we are secure for the night...welcome, at least, as WAL-MART to traveling motor homes.

In the morning, will leave SPIA where she sits while I try my luck at putting more miles under my deteriorating shoe leather.

No injuries today, although the hamstrings took a beating climbing and descending some rather steep hills. Also, must start wearing eye glasses...the passing logging trucks create a small tornado of sand and chip dust, which gets into my eyes.

Was going to tell a story - 1940 vintage - of my Uncle "Babe", but will save it for another day.

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