Saturday, March 10, 2012


It was again 6:30 am when I stepped out of SPIA...greeted by a near-full moon over the Food Lion - where we parked last night.

Tonight is beginning of Daylight Savings...set clocks ahead one hour (or so I am told).

Unique facing on this church next door to Keysville Food Lion.

Ever present water tower...this one, in Keysville, a bit obstructed by wires.

Oldsters will recognize the above as a riding mower...used to cut grass, wheat, etc before the advent of combines. This mower is pre-1930 vintage, pulled by horses or mules, with the driver sitting on the seat in the center.

As we near the Allegheny Mountains (about 2 days away...walking), we can see the rolling foothills in the distance.

This gives a good overview of the difficult walking terrain we have been facing the past couple days.

We are about 2 days from the Blue Ridge Mountains, which are followed by another day or so to the Allegheny Mountains.

Please say HELLO to Tammy Childress.

Tammy has allowed SPIA to park overnight behind her convenience store in the village of Sugar Hill, a few miles east of Brookneal, Virginia.

Error note: I goofed in placing Tammy's photo here. My software requires "reverse loading" and I simply goofed...sorry. Tammy came into our walk near the end of our day, not in the beginning.

Tammy's Convenience Store - SPIA is parked behind the building.

Historic Note: My Grandfather used to tell me of his Devilry during Halloween...when he and his friends used to disassemble the neighbor's wagon and put it back together on top of the barn...

...just like in the above photograph.

Being a wee fellow during the Great Depression, I was quite used to watching Dad fill up the old Model T with the hand-cranked gas pump...exactly as shown above.

The hand crank is on the left side.

...and I remember the price of one gallon to be about $0.12 (yes, twelve pennies).

Many nice homes along Highway 40, where we did our walking today.

Our first leg was 18 miles...on a clear cold morning.

Later, we walked another leg of 8 miles, followed by a third leg from Tammy's convenience store to Brookneal, VA, and back, for a total of 32 miles today.

Beginning to get into a rhythm and look forward to laying down some serious miles each day.

An old barn with rusting tractors...

Most of our 32 miles walked today were up and down hills such as above.

Typical woods lining Highway 40.

This is Patrick Henry Country.

Please click click the picture to enlarge.

An historic plaque in the small village of Charlotte, VA.

Click click to enlarge.

Charlotte Court House.

Defended by a Civil War era cannon.

With a Confederate Soldier standing at "Parade Rest" just behind the cannon.

One of Charlotte's administration buildings.

Charlotte water tower.

Charlotte Main Street.

Charlotte Home.

Betty will recall listening to the thundering water over "Falling River", as we chatted today on the cell phone.

Hi, Linda...Hi, Gloria.

Very steep hills leading to and from our final destination for the day, the town of Brookneal, VA.

It is a lot steeper than it looks.

Please say HELLO to Crystal Fogg.

Stopped in at the Grill to ask directions. Ended up ordering a Coke, which Crystal fixed for me. We chatted while I sipped my drink - I was the only client -...then she would not take my $$.

Thank you, again, Crystal.

Brookneal Water Tower.

Brookneal Main Street.

...and a local home.

...Brookneal even has a railroad track with shiny rails...means trains really do go by from time to time.

Main Street Lamp Post.

Please say HELLO to Lawrence (or perhaps he said "Thomas")

I saw Lawrence/Thomas while walking into the town of Brookneal, saying Hi as we passed.

On my way out of town, I caught up with Lawrence and stopped him to chat.

Seems Lawrence has no kin, raked leaves today - but did not receive any pay for it - and was kinda ambling down the road.

I told Lawrence about my Coca Cola, for which Crystal would not take my money, as I handed him a five dollar bill, saying: I already received my Coke, so this five isn't mine any more...tell you what...why don't you take it and we'll call it which Lawrence replied:, no, I can't take it; I have no way to pay it back,...handing the five back to me.

That's OK, it's already spent - I got my Coke -, so the five is yours to keep.

...but but, you have no leaves for me to rake & I can't pay it back

May I take your photograph for my blog?

...Oh, sure you can

(so, I did) can I find you to pay you back...

no need...I hope you find something nice to spend it on. I walked down that steep hill to Betty's Falling River and on to Tammy's place some 4 miles up another prodigious steep hill.

Tomorrow morning, we will drive to Brookneal, park SPIA, and walk North on Highway 501...then West on Highway 24 toward Roanoke, VA.

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