Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Two years ago today, SAM and I walked out from under the Peace Arch at the USA/CANADA border at Blaine, Washington.

To begin a new life? No, to continue an already awesome and fascinating life which has taken me around the world...to live years in Europe...to fight the Korean War...to do so much in so many places as to boggle the mind.

And, here I am - with SPIA - two years later, walking West out of the ancient mountains of West Virginia...

...with another entire lifetime waiting just over the next hill or around the next corner.

The New River in confluence with the Gauley River, flowing the final 30 miles to the Ohio River at the city of Charlestown, West Virginia.

Please click click to enlarge.

Civil War Wooden Bridge pylons stand in front of the existing railroad bridge.

US 60 crosses the modern Gauley River Bridge 100 meters downstream from the RR Bridge.

The hillside to the left was the Confederate Artillery position...overlooking today's residences.

The New River has become one with the Gauley River, forming the new river: the Kanawha.

The Kanawha River looking serene and peaceful...a mild deception waiting just around the bend.

Looking back North/West up the Kanawha River to the high central West Virginia Mountains.

Yesterday, I walked up 8% grades for 4 hours, climbing that distant hill which lifts US 60 up to the village of Ansted.

Residential homes of the village of Glen Ferris, West Virginia...like so much of West Virginia, an historic place !

US 60 winds through Glen Ferris.

...and I came upon the most improbable of treats: the Glen Ferris Inn.

Built 1823...serving both Union and Confederate the entire war (perhaps a no-man's land where enemies can meet in peace...my thoughts !)

Taken from US 60, the Honeymoon Suite taken up the entire second floor balcony.

Glen Ferris Foyer.

The sitting room ... with view of the rampaging water falls out that far glass door.

Majestic Dining Room...reminding me of the "Virginian"...also a "National Register Hotel" to be found on US 30 (the original Oregon Trail), which I enjoyed on the high ground of the Rocky Mountains in Wyoming nearly 2 years ago as SAM & I walked to Fort Supply, Oklahoma.

Treated myself to a "second" morning breakfast...2-egg omelet with potatoes, rye toast, and coffee...prepared as one would expect of a 5-star restaurant.

Yes, I have been fortunate to enjoy a number of meals - both in America and Europe - at 5-star restaurants.

I asked for and received a guided tour of the Glen Ferris INN.

This is the Honeymoon Suite Bedroom...dressing room and huge bath to the left.

Honeymoon Suite Sitting Room - kitchenette and second bathroom in the distance.

Please say HELLO to Ashley, my Hostess.

We chatted as she showed me her hotel...I, inviting Ashley to check our blog...

Thank you, Ashley...

Ornate stairway .

That long thin line on the water surface is the edge of a climatic waterfall or the entire river from bank to bank...

...not at 90 degrees, but at a slant of about 30 degrees fully across the river.

Powerhouse at the edge of the waterfall(s).

Downstream side of the waterfalls.

Panorama of the Kanawha River Falls.

Many waterfalls end their journey off the cliff bordering US 60.

Here are only a few of those I photographed.

...but first...

Please say HeLLO to Shawnna Bowen.

Shawanna was setting out her flag and floral decorations as I walked past her "Del's Candles & Dreams"

Overcoming my long-lost shyness, I crossed US 60, asking if I may take her picture.

OH, Yes...so, I did...after which Shawnna invited me in for her business card and look at her shop.

...over every hill...around every corner...

Please click click...a truly lovely young lady.

The following few photographs require little or no commentary.

enjoy !

Coal storage/distribution yard.

Please say HELLO to Lawrence...supervisor of the coal yard.

Lawrence...up close.

Fun (ny) pic taken on the hoff.

I always wear white gloves while walking...to wave at oncoming vehicles; to keep from sunburn (it was 80 F. + today), and keep the no-see-ums from biting.

Shadow taking my picture of me taking my picture...

...that required some thought to pull off.

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