Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Large map of Ohio, showing - in orange - our intended route to the Indiana Border.

Click click will enlarge the map.

Local detailed map of our present location in the town of London...abut 30 miles west of the City of Columbus, Ohio.

We will stay the night in WAL-MART parking lot in London. In the morning, will drive back to Route 56 (WAL-MART is on Route 42, about 5 miles north of Route 56), find a spot to park SPIA, then walk west on Route 56 toward the village of Urbana, Ohio.

In the quiet of the early morning, reflective photographs are possible.

Look closely...a small zephyr is moving into the scene from above.

Zephyr = a breath of wind...

As I walk BACK East on Route 56 before sunrise this morning...had to recover the 5 miles I missed yesterday by driving to Mt. Sterling so we could post our blog.

This photograph is the silhouette of a church building with the Sun rising directly behind the steeple.

Such photographs are interesting...and difficult to get...timing is everything. I had to walk back and forth, waiting for the Sun to get into the correct position.

Worth the wait?....I believe so.

Downtown Mt. Sterling church.

Upon arriving in Mt. Sterling, I checked into the Office of the Sheriff, introducing myself and asking where would be the best place to park for the night.

I was told: On any street...parking is allowed anyplace for any 48-hour period.

So, I parked in downtown at the busiest intersection I could find.

Worked great.

Route 56 in Mt. Sterling.

Returning to SPIA after my eastward 5-mile catch-up, I left SPIA where she was and walked West this time on Highway 56 for another 12 miles toward the town of London.

Many large farm tractors are found driving Highway 56...

This one is rigged up for disking.

Please say HELLO to Gary.

As I walked past Gary's beautiful home, I took a picture for our blog. Gary saw me taking the photograph and rushed in his vehicle out to ask why I was taking pictures - this has happened to me before...sometimes by very irate folks -.

I explained my walking mission, gave Gary our SAM & ME card, and after taking Gary's picture with his home as background, we parted friends.

Thank you, Gary.

Gary told me I better get moving as it was about to rain.

All morning, clouds had been building to the South and West.

As I passed over I-71 (Interstate Highway 71), the front closed in forming a long South - Northeast front of swirling black clouds. I watched them carefully as I continued walking west beyond I-71...about 3 miles further on, the first drops of rain fell.

I put on my rainproof poncho (with hood), tying it down by moving my water belt to the outside. The rain fizzled out after 5 minutes or so as the weather front whisked over my head quickly in the building wind.

Turned back toward SPIA still parked in Mt. Sterling, took off my poncho (it folds up to pocket-size) and saw no more rain today.

The wind has picked up, however, to about 40 mph with higher gusts.

I have mentioned the expanses of lawns. Above is one example...yes, that is all lawn and had been mowed within the past few hours.

Another example of an expansive lawn...obviously mowed a couple hours still smelled of new mow'n grass.

A second weather front moved in over me as I returned to Mt. Sterling, but was moving so fast, it was past in moments without wetting on me.

Looking down onto I-71 Interstate Freeway.

Finally returning to Mt. Sterling, we drove to the town of London, about 15 miles away.

I parked SPIA on the above residential street, and walked back toward Mr. Sterling, picking up the 5 miles I didn't previously cover.

Please say HELLO to Richard.

Richard was holding down the fort of the rather large complex of London's Waste Water Treatment Plant.

Richard showed me around a bit, giving me some literature - pictured below - about the town's new biosolids processing facility, which upgrades the output product to "Class A", allowing use as fertilizer on plants for human consumption.

May sound gross at first, but please click click the following literature for a more detailed explanation
New egg-shaped Digester, new Reactor, and new Isolation Tank...the heart of the system upgrade.

Please click click to 1 of 2 pages.

Please click click to enlarge...Page 2 of 2 pages.

My third leg of the day continued BACK east from London toward Mt. Sterling, to pick up the missed miles.

To insure internet service, we must stay close to populated stop out in the boondocks usually means no VERIZON service...and, no blog.

Ohio DOT (Department of Transportation) filling in the berm where 18-wheeler trailers gouge out deep sections of pavement on the inside of sharp curves...I have posted many photos of those deep drop-off section.

A bit crookie, this image, but I like it.
Returning to London from my "reverse" walk back toward Mt. Sterling, I stopped a city Policeman passing by in his cruiser...introduced myself and asked where I might find a suitable spot to park for the night.

The Officer said...follow me, I have the perfect spot.

I followed his cruiser north of town about 5 miles to WAL-MART, where he pointed the exact spot I should park. I thanked him; gave him our SAM & ME business card and we wished each other well.

I went into WAL-MART to check in with Customer Service...only to be told NO OVERNIGHT PARKING ALLOWED...but, but, bu...I responded; the city Policeman said I could...etc.etc.

After referring to two floor managers who could (would) not make a decision, a phone call confirmed that the Policeman was correct and SPIA could stay the night.

Old addage: Want something?...just ask for it.

Wishing from the couch does not often produce the desired results...gotta go out & shake the bushes.

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