Saturday, March 31, 2012

POST 586: 03/31/12: PIQUA - ST. MARYS, OHIO

Finding a place to park on SR 66 in Piqua, Ohio, was a major task this morning.

Doubled back into town and left SPIA in a closed cabinet factory - was only 7:30 am. - and walked north on SR 66, returning 4 hours later.

The high for the day was 42 F. The sky was non-existent, with thick fog lingering all day on the ground. I bundled up with two long sleeve T's, a zipper hoodie, my waterproof hoodie rain coat, and my reflective vest...topped off with a double knit cap with pig-tail ties.

Oh, yes, also thermal gloves...and wrap-around sun glasses, which I wore all day.

I was warm enough, but carrying all that weight while pushing at over 4 mph, I was very tired when we finally stopped for the day at 4:00 pm...took 1/2 hour out for a bite at a local IGA supermarket.

Would be very nice if I did not have to walk back to fetch SPIA at the end of each leg.

Piqua Water Works Dam.

Yes, the Dannon Yogurt Factory is in the town of Minster, Ohio.

Walked two 16-mile legs today.

Drove SPIA to St. Mary's, where we are parked for the night in the lot of Rite-Aid, next to Highway 33, which I will walk - sans SPIA - in the morning toward the Indiana border which is only 25 miles away.

Reaching Indiana, will switch over to Highway 124, which runs East-West clear across the state...will be quite easy to follow until reaching the border of the State of Illinois.

From today's images, one can see we are in farming area...99% Corn. Not much exciting to photograph for the moment. This far north, even the farmers are not yet out working their fields...too cold !

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