Wednesday, April 11, 2012


An early morning photograph of particular beauty.

Stepping out of SPIA this morning to begin our walk, was greeted by two simultaneous events:

A passing train; and, the rise of the Sun.

Walked North out of the town of Leland, Illinois, toward US 30. US 30 later combined with Illinois SR 23, which leads into De Kalb.

Returned to SPIA after 14 miles. Walked all back roads yesterday afternoon and this morning. Not much happening on the major roadways, so decided to take some detours to find something interesting.

Right away, we came across this beautiful scene.

Of course, I stopped to chat with these three, all of whom walked over to the fence to say hello.

This pic is a bit blurred from Sun reflection, but it is unique in that the Silo is made of bright aluminum - or perhaps stainless steel; whereas, most are kinda dull looking.

Back roads do have interesting things to see. Rather ornate cemetery entrance out in the middle of nowhere.

Could not resist taking this image of the farmhouse enshrouded in shadows of the budding tree.

Up close of the disking in operation. The sides of this machine fold up (using hydraulics) so it can travel on roadways. Here, it is folded down, but still riding on the rubber tires which keeps the rotating discs off the ground.

Please notice the last century water pump in lower right of the image.

...and, the disc in operation as it is pulled forward, the discs, being set at angles, dig into the earth effectively turning the soil in preparation for the next step...planting seed.

The highly efficient disc seen above has apparently replaced the "plow" which used to be the first step...a step now eliminated by the new disc.

Please say HELLO to Dennis Kohler - I use associations to remember names...Dennis is, of course, "The Menace"; whereas Kohler is the faucet on the sink - I know, kinda dumb, but it helps me remember, which I find I need more and more.

Dennis stopped his truck, offering me a ride, which was kindly declined.

Thanks Dennis.

Strangely enough, a number of rather large "burns" were being done along the back road this morning...and in 35 - 40 mile per hour winds.

The high winds continued again all day today, making walking quite difficult and extremely cold. I had to cover my nose and mouth with my headband to breathe.

Leaving Leland, where we spent the night.

Returning to Leland after the first walk of the day, we drove SPIA on SR 23 toward De Kalb, where we parked about 6 miles short of town. Left SPIA parked while we walked into De Kalb.

Please say HELLO to Marybeth.

Arriving in De Kalb, stopped in at Marybeth's Drug Store to use the bathroom. Marybeth then explained that the Nursing Home I was looking for was just a couple blocks away, so instead of returning to SPIA, I walked those couple blocks to surprise sister Carol...

Found her having lunch in the dining room...everyone watching as a much discheveled traveler walked up behind Carol, knelt down and kissed her on the cheek...

Yes, Carol was surprised.

Spent most of the rest of the afternoon getting reacquainted and meeting her friends before walking back to fetch SPIA, which has a parking place of honor just outside the back door.

De Kalb 2nd Street, the street of the Nursing Home.

and so, please say HELLO to my Sister, Carol.

Carol and I enjoyed the renovated China Town Buffet Dinner instead of the sandwich offered by the Nursing Home for din din.

Will stay on tomorrow and tomorrow night before deciding when to move on West.

1 comment:

  1. Spending some time tonight catching up on your journey over the last month or so - I've been busy in real life and not online as much! I'm so glad you were able to spend time with your sister!! Great pictures, as always.
    Safe travels!
