Sunday, April 15, 2012


The Flag of the State of Iowa.

Leaving SPIA parked at the LAND OF OZ this morning, I walked 12 miles toward the town of Savanna which is located on the banks of the Mississippi River.

We then drove to Savanna, but did not stop until we had crossed the Mississippi River Bridge to the small village of Sabula, Iowa.

First, however, a few images along SR 64 on the way to Savanna...

Crossing the Mississippi River Bridge brings one to an island, which is essentially a sand bar with a town on it. The above bridge spans an estuary of the Mississippi River...the town of Sabula is at my back.

We parked SPIA a couple blocks from this bridge while I walked BACK a couple miles.

In many places along the banks of the Mississippi, there are vast estuaries - shallow "lakes" which often reach far inland.

This image is taken on the bridge, looking East out upon the wide Mississippi River.

Being on an island, Sabula is connected to the mainland by a causeway - US 52 / SR 64, shown above.

We drove SPIA across this causeway, parking on the mainland side. I then walked BACK across the causeway and into the town of Sabula.

Please say HELLO to Casey Henderson.

Casey is fishing with his Bow and Arrow. His primary target today is the Buffalo, a native fish closely resembling the Asian Carp - which also inhabits the Mississippi River. While I was chatting with Casey, he fired his arrow three times, twice connecting - then fighting two Buffalo...both of which got away...but not before thrashing the waters to slip off Casey's arrow. He did catch a number of Buffalo, the largest about 25 pounds.

After walking back across the causeway, I continued for another 3 hours North on US 52 toward the town of Bellevue, Iowa.

We then drove to Bellevue where we parked in a City boat-launch parking area only a few feet from the Mississippi River.

I then walked BACK South on US 52 for two hours, completing today's walk.

Main Street - US 52 - looking North in Bellevue.

From the parking area, this is the view SPIA has looking South down the Mississippi.

RV's find good camping/parking on the banks of the Mississippi just South of Bellevue.

It is very hilly along the Iowa banks of the Mississippi in the area of Bellevue. This is a stream from the hills entering the Mississippi River.

US 52, looking South on the path I took during my final walk of the day.

Lock and Dam # 12 is pictured above. This dam is cited right in the middle of the town of Bellevue, only a few yards away from where SPIA is parked. The sloping ramp is for launching small boats.

May plan for tomorrow was to walk North on US 52 toward the city of Dubuque, Iowa, only 21 miles away. I have encountered considerable strain - and pain - in my left leg. Opted to walk today instead of spending a day of rest in Mt. Carroll, Illinois. That was a mistake.

The town of Bellevue allows 72 hour continuous parking where SPIA now parks. I have no choice but to take a day - perhaps two days - of rest to allow my leg to heal a bit.

Oh, about the weather: last night it thundered and rained nearly all night. Today, the rain returned as I completed my final walk of the day. Right now it is blowing hard and raining. We are somewhat exposed sitting on the bank of the river, so it looks like a lively night for SPIA.

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