Monday, April 23, 2012


A half dozen trains passed within 15 feet of SPIA last night...I barely noticed them...I was dead to the world.

At daybreak, as I walked north on US 14, fog was hugging low over the moist fields.

Temperature was about 35 F....cold enough to bundle up, and it remained cold until mid afternoon.

The first 3 miles of US 14 was 4-lane, but little traffic early in the morning.

I walked to and beyond the small village of Claremont, Minnesota before returning to SPIA. Started out at 6:15 am and returned at 12:30 (noon), having covered 22 miles.

Driving SPIA, we passed through Claremont and Owatonna - 18 miles from Dodge Center - without stopping. Owatonna is a rather large town with a number of highways crossing...our US 14 in "freeway" mode which prohibited walking.

Intentionally, I walked the 22 miles to pass us beyond Owatonna. Even then, US 14 was still freeway; so, we drove on to the next town, Waseca, another 14 miles beyond Owatonna.

Train lights in the USA are always as above; i.e., two beams horizontal with one more headlight centered above them.

Arriving in Waseca, we parked SPIA at the QUICK TRIP Convenience Store, where we will spend the night. I then walked BACK towards Owatonna for three hours, plus another bit of time to stroll around the town of Waseca.

Waseca has two large fresh water lakes in town. A number of fields are filled with marsh grass, as in the above image.

There is also a sizable Campground and RV Resort in Waseco, across US 14 from the largest lake.

Bicycle built for two.

The large lake...I estimated it to be 10 - 12 miles around...would be a nice walk/run.

The lake is stocked with Walleye, Bass, and some Carp.

A downtown wall Mural.

Waseca Catholic Church.

Downtown Waseca...there are a number of downtown blocks, but I did not walk them all.

County Court House.

Please say HELLO to Mr. Marquardt.

Mr. Marquardt is owner of a Second Hand Store specializing is toys. I stopped in to ask if he had relatives living near Berlin, as I have friends (Rita and Rolf Marquardt) who live near Berlin, Germany.

Mr. Marquardt said his family lost track of their relatives and he did not know.

...and so, I dragged myself back to SPIA, having put something more than 30 miles behind us today.

This evening, I go to sleep early. I am strangely tired and a bit sore. In the morning, will set out early - leaving SPIA parked - for the next two towns, Jamesville and Lime...Lime being 18 miles from Waseco.

Plan to try to walk 26.2 miles (a marathon distance)...just to see if I still have one in me.

Tell the truth, I am beginning to slow down a bit.

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