Monday, May 14, 2012


The town of Wibaux, Montana, where we began our first walk of the day.

Yesterday evening, walked 10 extra miles from Beach North Dakota. This morning, added an additional 18 miles, reaching the town of Glendive, Montana.

Wish I had continued walking as the morning was clear, calm, and ideal for walking. Around noon, the wind picked up, blowing over 40 mph until after 7 pm.

Ranch along I-94 on the road to Glendive.

I-94. Reaching Glendive, we leave I-94, picking up Highway 200 to Circle, Montana, where we pick up Highway 13, 60 miles South of our next stop...the town of Wolf Point on US 2.

This is the small village of Lindsay, Montana. After walking to Glendive, we drove to Lindsay, where SPIA parked for the afternoon as I walked Highway 200 for 5 that strong North westerly wind..., covering the 21 miles from Glendive to Lindsay.

We then drove on to Circle, Montana, where we will spend the night. In the morning, I will walk BACK on Highway 200, the 25 miles to Lindsay. In the afternoon, will walk North on Highway 13 toward the town of Wolf Point.

By Wednesday, we should be walking West on US 2, which will take us to the State of Washington.

Montana, the Big Sky State, is also a big land state. It is approximately 800 miles walking to reach Idaho...which will take about 4 weeks; i.e., we should reach Idaho approximately June 15.

Highway 200 North of Lindsay, heading to Circle, Montana.

The wind was so fierce, it lay the grasses flat against the ground.

The land is rolling hills, cut through by wind and rain, forming "washes" and "draws" in every direction.

An abandoned ranch house and out buildings.

Takes a lot of looking to find suitable subjects for photography. Montana offers wide open spaces, but not much in the way of bustling towns...perhaps US 2 will give us more photo opportunities.

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