Sunday, May 27, 2012


Thank you, it !!

These pics of the Goat I took on my last visit to Glacier National Park.

This big fellow stood face to face with me...until I moved off "HIS" path...

then he strolled on past me with a smile.

I was standing on "HIS path.

"HIS" path !

Pics following are from yesterday - 05/27/12.

Wind was blowing 25 + mph...a real blizzard.

Please say HELLO to Zack...Doorman at the Great Northern (Railroad) Lodge.

I am furious at myself...somehow, my camera setting has changed to 8M, which is apparently too large to handle by my computer. I have 50 + beautiful photographs of today's snowfall, in which I walked for 5 hours this morning, climbing from Browning, Montana, to the village of East Glacier Park - at East entrance of Glacier National Park -, Montana, a distance of only 12 was slow going in the blizzard-like conditions.

...and I did not check the camera settings. If anyone can tell me how to change the 8M to 5M in the computer, I should be able to share the images.

In the interim...

Up at 5am this morning. It was snowing in Browning. I dressed for snow and took off walking West on US 2, climbing about 800 feet or so. The snow increased in volume, depositing about 1.5 inch.

After 8 miles, I turned back East to Browning, only to find the wind had increased behind my back - it was coming out of the North east, behind my back as I walked West -, and was now blowing about 25 miles per hour. For the next 2.5 hours, I held my left hand - wearing my new sheepskin mittens, inside a SUBWAY sandwich bag for dryness - over my nose and face to keep from freezing.

Walking down the hills was perilous, being very slippery. Luckily, I did not fall.

About 9 am, it warmed a bit...still snowing, but causing snow on the asphalt roadway to turn to slush. Passing vehicles - driving at near the 70 mph speed limit even in the snow, threw slush all over me time and again. At some point, my shoes began to leak from water and slush running down my pant leg. My plastic shield over the tongue and laces did their water got in there.

A couple miles before reaching Browning, the snow plows came out. I walked off the road to let them pass. Arriving back at SPIA, only my left foot/sock was a bit wet. The rest of me was dry and toasty.

I propped my west shoes in front of SPIA's propane furnace, where they have fully dried.

I then took a 2-hour nap, sleeping instantly and soundly.

At 3 pm, we drove to the village of East Glacier Park, Montana, where we are parked for the night at another CONOCO Convenience Store.

I walked for the next two hours all over East Glacier Park, taking photographs and chatting with residents and I said, obtaining some excellent shots.

The Convenience Store Manager asked me if I had seen the Grizzlies...No, but are they down this far...Oh, yes, we have a three year old hanging out in the meadow next to where you have parked your vehicle...

This means a Grizzly Bear is lounging next to SPIA. Oh, fun.

It is 15 miles from East Glacier Park to the summit of Maria's Pass - at 5,261 (one mile high) feet. In the morning I will walk up the pass...keeping a sharp eye out for furry critters along the way...and back to SPIA.

We will then drive over the Pass to the town of Essex, about 15 miles on the West side of the Pass, where Bill and Ginger are waiting our arrival.

Yes, I have reset my camera...hoping I will remember to check it every day. Carrying it in my pockets, which are tight enough to push buttons and twirl dials, has probably caused the setting change to 8M.

It is still snowing at the moment - 7 pm -, but promises to clear up to become a sunny day tomorrow...Great for Photography on the new snow.


  1. As to Sizing photos, you need a photo editor. Free ones are (a little complicated to learn)
    Or. (a little easier to learn.
    You would be able to adjust just about anything you wish.
