Thursday, May 31, 2012


Walked out of the Glacier National Park Mountains this morning, heading for Kalispell, Montana, some 25 miles to the West.

Along the way, passed by the above SHEPARD MEMORIAL FOUNTAIN, which has become a popular local watering hole...water pouring from a pipe protruding from the mountain side.

Later on, as I drove SPIA past, we stopped and filled up our "house" jugs...drinking water still comes from "Reverse Osmosis" normally obtained at WAL-MART. House jugs are used for cleaning, flushing, etc.

The Flathead River, flowing out of the Glacier National Park Mountains.

Did not take many photographs today, as it was raining quite hard while walking. Tried out my new "Gaiters", gifted me by Bill a couple days ago. Normally used during cross-country skiing, I find Gaiters beneficial while riding my motorcycle and while walking in the rain and snow...keeps the wet out of shoes...especially from slush thrown up by passing vehicles.

Also found along our walking route this morning, was the Outfitters Supply WESTERN STORE & Saddle Shop. I stopped in on the off chance they might have some leather scraps suitable for re-soling the tips of my walking shoes which need repairing after about 1,000 miles of walking on the sharp macadam stones (macadam = asphalt).

Please say HELLO to Kevin Arnold, owner.

Kevin escorted me to his work shop where piles of leather goods are in the process of becoming Saddles or other trail outfit supplies. We found the perfect materials, which Kevin gifted me two sizeable sheets...enough for the remainder of my walking days.

Please say HELLO to Lynn (l.), Jamie, and Brian.

These three make up the heart of Kevin's staff.

Racks and racks of saddles for every purpose. The shop is full of accessories as well as dozens of exquisite saddles.

Approaching Columbia Falls, Montana - having walked there from Coram, where we parked for the night -, came upon Highway 206, which is a short-cut to Kalispell, bypassing the town of Columbia Falls. Walked a few miles down Highway 206 before turning back to fetch SPIA from Coram.

We then drove all the way into Kalispell, where we are sharing WAL-MART parking lot with a number of other RV and Motor Homes.

In the morning, will walk West once again on US 2, heading back into the Rocky Mountains. The first town is Marion, Montana, some 20 miles distant. From Marion, towns become scarce and far apart...all the way to the Idaho border, about 100 miles distant.

We should reach Idaho by Monday...and Spokane, Washington by next Friday.

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