Saturday, June 2, 2012


Finally, we have a VERIZON signal...on Sunday 06/03/12, in the city of Libby, Montana.

Above image is of Happy's Inn, Montana, where SPIA and I spent the night.

The scenery on US 2 from the city of Kalispell, Montana to Libby, Montana, is quite spectacular. Some of the beauty we walked is in the above and following photographs.

Rain has been our constant companion.

I have finally found a clothing combination to keep my entire body dry and warm...including making shoes nearly water-tight - the addition of Bill's Gaiters has been a God-send.

Loon Lake.

Even though we are walking the Rocky Mountains, the steepness of the hills does not come close to the 8% monster hills we encountered crossing the Allegheny Mountains in Southern West Virginia a couple months ago.

Another view of Loon Lake on my way returning to SPIA.

Forest in this region is rather sparse...wonderful for seeing wildlife...just my luck that no wild life showed up as I walked the hills.

Met these two gentlemen, riding their bikes around the Pacific Northwest...both hail from the town of Mount Vernon, Washington...only 20 miles South of Bellingham.

Remaining images are near Liz's Steak House...a very worthwhile destination about 8 miles South of Libby, Montana.

Libby Creek.

Crystal Clear Waters.

...and, this is Liz's STEAK HOUSE...where SPIA and I spent last night (is now 10:30 am on Sunday, June 03, 2012).

* * * * *

VERIZON signal this evening is ZERO bars...not sufficient to upload images. Will try later in the night.

This morning, drove SPIA before daylight from our overnight parking in Marion, Montana, to the small village of Happy's Inn, Montana, 29 miles distant. Since we had already walked most of the distance last evening, walked BACK US 2 toward Marin this morning for 12 miles. Upon returning to SPIA, did not stop, but continued walking Northwest on US 2 for an additional 5 + hours - about 20 miles - in a pouring rain.

Stopped in at Happy's Inn Diner for a bite before driving toward the city of Libby, Montana, some 40 miles distant. Stopped 8 miles short of Libby, at the Steak House, where SPIA is parked for the night.

After settling SPIA down, walked Southeast on US 2, BACK toward Happy's Inn for 10 miles. Upon returning to SPIA, went directly into the Steak House, where I spent a most enjoyable evening with Owner, Liz Benefield, and Bartender, Matt. Also enjoyed what must be one of the most delicious Prime Rib dinners ever.

Matt was particularly interesting to chat with in that he, as do I, hails from Norway - through our family descendants. Matt has made a study of the history of the Vikings, which we discussed at length - between Matt's serving up dozens of exotic drinks for the restaurant full of clients.

Live music in the person of a guitarist/singer, who was a magician with his guitar. Matt surprised us by joining the guitarist, vocalizing some interesting complex pieces. After my exquisite meal, Matt kept my glass of Cabernet full for the duration of the basketball game on the tube between the Spurs and Thunder (the old Seattle Supersonic team). Thunder won.

In the morning, will leave SPIA at Liz's Steak House while I walk on to Libby and back. We will then drive to Libby, and in the afternoon, walk further West on US 2 to the next - and final - town in Montana, small village of Troy.

We are this evening about 40 miles from the Idaho border. We will enter Idaho on Monday, June 04. New projected arrival at the Peace Arch is June 25, 2012.

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