Monday, June 18, 2012


The Twisp, Washington, home of Laurie and John.

Thank you again for having me for dinner and allowing SPIA to park the night.

Please say HELLO to John and Laurie.

Stopping for a moment at their business...Do It Hardware, we said our goodbyes...always a difficult moment for me.

We then drove to the next town, Winthrop, Washington, about 13 miles distant, where we found a parking spot for SPIA while I walked BACK toward Twisp for 3.5 hours.

Winthrop is a town totally converted - sometime around 1975 - to Old West Theme. Only thing missing are horses hitched up to the hitching post.

This town is so welcoming, even the local deer walk around town...

Winthrop Public Parking, where SPIA waited out the day as I did the walking.

Returning from the Twisp leg, I then walked West on US 20 for another 4 hours toward the small village of Mazama.

Our familiar Methow River, which flows through Wilthrop.

Some of the local "theme" businesses of Winthrop.

Please click click to enlarge this quaint "history" of Winthrop, Washington.

Some scenes during my second walk of the day...West on US 20 toward Mazama.

Foot bridge over the Methow River in Winthrop.

This is "another" VIRGINIAN. The original, located on US 30 near Laramie, Wyoming; which we visited nearly 2 years ago...the day I had my chat with the wild red fox.

This little lady was snooping in the windows of the Winthrop Shopping Center.

The distant snow covered mountains are where the North Cascade Pass crosses the Cascade Mountains into the Puget Sound Basin. Tomorrow, we will start walking UP the North Cascade Pass.

Back near Winthrop, homes are scattered over the many sagebrush (no trees) covered hills.

Was becoming concerned we would not come upon any domesticated animals.

Mazama lies at the head of this valley.

Late in the day, we drove SPIA to Mazama, finding this overnight parking in a local U.S. Department of Agriculture park.

We wanted to park overnight in the actual village of Mazama, but overnight parking was prohibited.

In the morning, SPIA stays in the U.S. Park (cost $5.00) while I walk West and UP UP UP the mountain leading to the North Cascade Pass.

Editorial Note:

This update is being published on Monday, June 18, 2012, while parked near the village of Rockport, Washington. There is NO VERISON signal available while crossing the North Cascade Pass.

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