Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Two and half years ago, SAM & ME set out to walk America.

My partner agreed that as long as I was walking, my belongings would be welcome in our Bellingham home.

On June 24, 2012, upon returning to our home, I was asked to leave, taking my belongings.

Originally deciding to become caretaker for brother Jim's home, I changed my mind, deciding to return to the Outer Banks, North Carolina, accepting the offer to assume responsibility to manage Pastor Steve's Food Bank.

My plans to continue walking around the world have been temporarily put on hold for the next 12 months.

The past weeks have been filled with logistics to complete my move to Wave, Outer Banks, North Carolina. This included preparing SPIA for possible sale, servicing my MPV and motorcycle, and obtaining a 14 foot trailer to transport my remaining belongings to Wave.

Tomorrow, August 01, 2012, I plan to begin my drive with my MPV and the trailer pictured above. Our route will be I-90 to DeKalb, Illinois where I will once again visit sister Carol. Will then drive I-70 into Pennsylvania...then South to Kitty Hawk and the final 40 miles to Wave.

My MPV is a 6-cylinder 1995 Mazda with 249,795 miles on her. The trailer is heavily loaded with Motorcycle and all worldly belongings inside. We will take it VERY easy as the Mazda will be severely tested. Since it is so very hot all the way to Wave, I plan to do most driving at night to take advantage of cooler temperatures...taking motels during the heat of the daytime.

A word about my decision: Jim's is a beautiful home in a secluded forest setting. The more I thought about "hiding out" at Jim's, the more I realized I would be relegating myself to seclusion. On the other hand, my friends on the Outer Banks are in the midst of recovering from the disastrous Hurricane IRENE of last September...and need all the help I can give. I have decided, therefore, to dedicate myself for the next year to help in their recovery.

My expected arrival at the Outer Banks is 5 - 6 days, allowing 2 days to visit Carol. Arrival date is therefore August 6, 2012.

...and yes, I realize I am a simple old man struggling a bit at the moment. I choose, however, to struggle on my terms...my terms being helping those less fortunate than I.

Please think good thoughts.


  1. I hope you continue your blog!

    I admire your decision. Best wishes for a safe and trouble free drive east.

  2. Bruce~
    Thanks for continuing to share your plans and experiences via your blog. Moving to the Outer Banks to help others is most admirable. Much good fortune your way.
    Jerry - Bellingham

  3. I was glad to read about your decision to return to the Outer Banks you seems to be happiest there. Good luck. Be Safe.

  4. Sorry we missed your call. Have a good trip . Hope life is good to you on your terms. Take care!! Babe & E
