Monday, September 10, 2012


Finally, I am back walking again. Only doing 5 or so miles each morning, but am pushing the envelope speed-wise. Have a 2.7 mile route from home to the local Hatteras Campground and back. Today took 66 minutes. By week end, expect to round trip in 60 minutes = + 5 mph.

We shall see.

Returning home, was sweaty, but no hard breathing; so, am still in shape even tho not doing much extreme walking for nearly one month.

Not much doing with the Food Pantry the last couple weeks. It is open only after church services on Sunday and from 9 - 11 on Wednesday. A "run" is also made to pick up food on Friday, but it is delivered to a separate organization.

General observation - by others of the "Food Bank" program(s) - is that the economic slow down is reducing availability of food items available.

I am being introduced to a much expanded "reality" of what is going on in these Outer Banks relative to "Food Banks / Food Pantries". Not being fully informed as of yet, I hesitate to say too much. I can say that Pastor Steve's LIFEBOAT COMMUNITY CHURCH Food Pantry is one of a large number - over 100 - Food Pantries...all associated in one way or another with larger centralized "Food Banks"...somewhat akin to the "trikle-down" system. That somehow smacks of the trillions of $$ pumped into our economy in recent times.

Anyone out there been trikled upon?

Anyhow, when I get all the options straightened out, I will share them here.

In the mean time, I continue to toil with the yards (mowing, trimming, picking up, etc) of properties of my landlady, Linda, as well as that of Pastor Steve and the Church itself.

It is not enough to keep me busy, so am putting out feelers for employment possibilities.

Good Luck to that dream!

My computer "chip slot" has ceased to function...and I have misplaced my camera-computer connector; so, still do not have photographs available. Stopped in at Radio Shack to pick up the proper connector, only to find that they do not carry the one I need...with the commentary by the salesman that it is ..."common knowledge that the camera folks change the design of accessories with every new camera."

When I become president of the World, three things will be required:

1. Commonality of interface connectors;
2. No SMALL PRINT allowed.
3. No "speed" talking in commercials.

See what kind of thoughts are generated by idle minds.


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  2. I miss your blogs my friend, I'm sure there are many more that do also.

    Hope you are well and happy.

