Thursday, October 25, 2012


Major events in the past 48 hours have resulted in my MOVING from my Salvo, OBX home on Sunday/Monday.  At Pastor Steve's request, I have been relieved of all duties regarding the LIFEBOAT COMMUNITY CHURCH FOOD BANK.

I purchased back my large trailer used to move from Bellingham, Washington to Salvo, OBX some 3 months ago.  All personal items, including my motorcycle are once again on the road...this time to a destination on Whidby Island, Washington State, via sister Carol in DeKalb, Illinois.

Have enjoyed my recent 36 hours in the home of Karen and Craig, where I have been gifted Karen's Queen Size Bed - she has received her new adjustable "hospital" bed, which Craig and I assembled and set up today.  Karen, for those having not read my past year's blogs, has been a daily reader/commentator of this blog and has been directly responsible for my presence in the Outer Banks, North Carolina...Karen is also embarking on her fourth round of chemo fighting aggressive breast cancer.  A more powerful strong lady would be difficult to find.

Karen's household is keenly watching the Weather Channel this evening, tracking Hurricane Sandy bearing down on the southern coastline of the USA.  The eye is presently projected to pass by OBX Cape Hatteras (Salvo, N.C.) from which I moved my belongings only 36 hours ago.  Local bulletins predict road flooding and closures - Highway 12, together with potential substantial coastal flooding.  My home was only 1/2 block from the Atlantic Ocean Beaches.  Columbia, N.C., Karen's home where I am staying another night, is only 2 feet above the waterline of the PAMLICO SOUND, protected by the sand spit of Hatteras Island.

I plan to drive West from Columbia, N.C. early tomorrow morning.  Hurricane Sandy is scheduled to arrive Saturday.  Leading winds of the quickly expanding hurricane are already beginning to reach Columbia. N.C.

THIS IS A BIG STORM, being met head on by a blocking NorthEaster much like the "Perfect Storm" of 1991 movie fame.  This Northeaster is turning Hurricane Sandy West onto the shore of eastern seaboard...perhaps as close as Norfolk, Virginia, only 50 miles to the North East of Columbia.

Perhaps events of the past few days between Pastor Steve and myself have been preordained...then again !

In any event, I am:  1)  glad I and my possessions are out of harms way; and, 2) remain very concerned about the safety and welfare of my friends in Salvo.  They are just now beginning to recover from last year's Hurricane Irene...virtually NONE have any flood insurance.

Checking the national weather forecast, snow is already falling in the Denver, Colorado area.  I plan to drive I-80 or I-90 (100 miles north of I-80).  If conditions deteriorate, I may be forced south into New Mexico / Arizona to find safe passage over the Rocky Mountains via I-40 or below to I-10.

I will dearly miss my many friends of OBX and Columbia, North Carolina.

I plan to continue this blog enroute to the Pacific Northwest and for the foreseeable future.  Lisbon/Beijing is still at the top of my ambitions...I need only recoup my emotions and stabilize my financial situation, which has been emptied by my failed trek to OBX to volunteer my services to Pastor Steve for the next year.

For any who may be confused by all the recent hallabaloo, I state without hesitation or reservation that Pastor Steve has been and remains a true friend...a friend whom I would give my last $$ and breath to help through his difficulties.  I am truly shredded by the dreadful events of the past few days.


  1. Bruce--So glad you were able to get your things back. We welcome you back to the Pacific Northwest.

    I'm sorry the way things turned out. You did your best!

    Drive carefully and give Karen an extra big hug for us.

  2. I looks like a close call by the grace of God you got out
