Friday, November 2, 2012

POST 695: 11/02/12 pm; GILLETTE, WYOMING

  A bright sunshining day in Gillette has allowed me to use my free day to check out the transmission and to research my immediate options.

The transmission is apparently NOT leaking; however, it bodes well to have learned how to check fluid level and obtain proper lubricant and funnel to add fluid if need be.  Under the circumstances, the trannie fluid will be checked at least every other gas fill-up...just to be certain all is OK. 

The fluid leak is from a 5-year old engine oil leak - apparently the head gasket -, but small enough to need less than one quart oil in 3,000 miles...also prudent to dip-stick the engine oil every second gas fill-up.

Now, for my impetuous and from the hip recent decisions.  Have had numerous conversations regarding the wisdom of returning to OBX.  The bottom line is:  returning to OBX is NOT is my best interest.

Have also contacted my Bellingham friends regarding housing possibilities.  Have determined that Bellingham - via Northwest Regional Council on Aging and Disability Resources - has numerous housing possibilities available, all of which I personally qualify.  Rental costs range from $300 - $600 for one bedroom modern apartments. 

Bellingham, in addition to being touted nationally as one of the finest small cities (60,000 population) to live in all of America, has not been hit - as have most of the USA - by the economic downturn.  Local business remains brisk offering employment opportunities for nearly all wishing to work.   

My friend, Les, has offered me his yacht for a week or so pending my selection of a place to call home. 

I have, therefore, decided to enjoy the rest of this day in Gillette, partake in a sumptious seafood buffet this evening at the local steak house restaurant in the next door Best Western Motel...a 3 - 4 star motel.

In the morning, I will once again retrace my steps by continuing back to Bellingham where I will set up housekeeping amongst friends.

My walk around the world's available land mass - in the northern latitudes...continues. 

Again I am reminded of success over prior failures by Magellan, Columbus, and as I recall, Richard Nixon.  Not to burn bridges, I am also reminded is paramount to reaching those final goals.

I am told that the mountain passes over the Rockies will remain free of snow for the next day or so...I certainly hope that is true.



  1. Wonderful news! I am so glad your friends in Washington have come through for you. Safe journey.

  2. You need to near friends Dallas lovejoy of west virgina

  3. Bruce, Wish you would write more often in your blog, keep worrying that something is wrong? hope you can make a good choice on where to go??? lots of luck
