Saturday, November 17, 2012


Things are looking up. 

Approval has been received for my fact, was given the keys yesterday afternoon and have completed moving items from the MPV in.  Slept on the floor last night, as the beds are loaded in the trailer, which was not moved into position to unload until just before dark.

MACY'S called me in for an interview yesterday.  Seemed - from my viewpoint - to go OK.  Was advised that an e-mail will be sent within the next week advising success/failure to join the Holiday Work Crew.

The transmission has stopped functioning in REVERSE; i.e., cannot back up the MPV, so must be careful parking.  A new (used) transmission is to be available Tuesday - 4 days hence - at the cost of $1,500.00 installed and warranted for 100 miles.

$$ cost to complete my move to  - and return - the Outer Banks to volunteer myself to the services of Pastor Steve has risen to nearly $7.00.00...all of which I had to borrow from others, and now must pay back.

P. Steve, greatly suffering from a rare type of crippling disease, together with his family and friends, pleaded for me to move to OBX to help them.  I did so, only to discover they were not really in much need; i.e., I was invited to join them on their cruise to the Bahamas...during which Pastor Steve was to be my cabin-mate.  Now, how in the dickens can folks in such great need travel (again) on a cruise to the Bahamas?

Oh, well;  I offered myself up to P. Steve.  For reasons I still do not understand, I was summarily fired and sent packing...all without accepting any remuneration for my 8 months work.

and, so goes life.

Tomorrow is another day...(Gone With The Wind).

1 comment:

  1. Bruce, so glad you made your mind up not to go back to obx, P Steve cant be a pastor and treat you like he did. sorry to here about your transmission, $1500.00 not to bad of price for a installed used transmission hope it works out good for you... your friend from Bruneau ID
