Saturday, December 29, 2012


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Just love the LIQUID SUNSHINE of Bellingham.

Yesterday afternoon sky clouded up a bit after a morning of on again off again sun breaks. 

UPS opened at 2:00 pm for Customer Service, so I walked the 2 miles in the most pleasant misting fog shrouded going by using wipers, but I did not even get wet. 

Turned in my uniform - no record was receipt given -, and picked up my meagre paycheck:  $60.83...but then, is $60.83 more than I had yesterday morning.

  Disappointed I did not receive more work.  Local manager, Jay, confirmed that package handling was down from prior expectations and that no driver helpers have been used for at least one week.

Took the long way back to my apartment, walking at a pace of about 3.5 mph over narrow - NO BERM - back roads heavily travelled by cars and trucks.  Knee came out with NO pain...looks that I have once again been fortunate to recover so quickly.

I attribute my quick recovery to continued high proficiency of my LYMPHATIC SYSTEM which keeps my body purged from toxin and uric acid buildup.  I am coming to recognize that after strenuous exercise, even my arthritic hands are painless for many hours; i.e., it is now 18 hours after yesterday's walk...and no arthritis pain at all in my hands...knee is also without any pain. 

My findings:  want to be healthy...EXERCISE...get that LYMPHATIC SYSTEM functioning as it is designed to do.

Made an effort to mend fences with my OBX friends...sent them all Christmas Gift Boxes of CRISTOFORO BISCOTTI...hand made by my many year friend Martine:

 Greenport, Long Island, New York (631-477-6145), who produces some of the finest biscotti available. 

Last Christmas (2011), I was in OBX volunteering my time to help the towns of Rodanthe, Wave, and Salvo recover from Hurricane Irene.  Martine donated a case of biscotti - about 150 bags - for Pastor Steve's Food Bank.  Everyone raved about the gift...including Pastor Steve.  Since I was not at OBX this year, I treated each to a single bag...and received back many thank yous...I hope they understand my pride and gratefulness for the opportunity to live and work among them for the past 8 months or so.

'tis now 9:00 am...a bit dark outside in continuing LIQUID SUNSHINE - even tho too overcast for the Sun -.  Will have a bite - my normal double-size hot oatmeal - then will hit the road.  Objective today will be 3 - 4 hours at moderate pace (3.5 mph) to strengthen my knee. 

Must say, while I appreciate my comfy apartment, I yearn for the open road...the magic of Mother Nature....

Oh, yes:  I received a special gift this Holiday Son, Ronald, a bit estranged the past couple years, chatted with me for nearly one hour on the phone...and, I have been invited to visit:  I tell you is so pleasant to want and to be wanted...

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Living on the first floor of our apartment building, is the family of an historic figure...Father, Mother, and daughters Marinella and Fiorella.  Both daughters often babysit for Bruce, Jr., allowing Joanie and I some time together.  "Father"  - I will call him "Anton" - and I have become fast friends.

Anton was a World War II Italian Bomber Pilot.  Anton informed me that he was also Commander of the Italian Air Force Academy.  Anton also informed me that he attacked and sank a British Cruiser...this did not sit particularly well with his wife, a British national.

Anton also informed me that he was a personal aide to Benito Mussolini .  Anton accompanied Mussolini when he was kidnapped and subsequently killed by Communists.

After surrender of Italy, Anton was "pardoned", but never again allowed to work.  When I met Anton, he surreptitiously operates a local movie theatre projector.

Anton also teaches me to play CHESS. 

Ironically, I vividly remember my third grade classroom in Des Moines, Washington erupting in celebration on September 08, 1943, at the announcement of the surrender of Italy. 

Hated enemy one moment...dear friend the doesn't really have to be that way !!!

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A few moments ago, I received a telephone call from Ron in Wilmington, North Carolina...Ron, some may recall, is the gentlemen who took SAM (my solar-powered stroller) off my hands, promising he would store it for me.  Well...Ron has SAM safely tucked away in his new warehouse building...

...just waiting for you, says Ron...just let me know a few days in advance so I can have her ready for you... 

SAM is apparently in excellent shape, having been personally cared for by Ron.  Wilmington, N.C. has service by DELTA AIRLINES, making it quite easy logistically to return for SAM.

I am sorely tempted to retrieve SAM, strip her of her electronics, solar panels, batteries, and 36V DC front wheel motor...after which, we fly to Lisbon, Portugal to commence our walk across Europe, around the Black Sea and Caspian Sea...thence on The Silk Road to Beijing, China. one something to contemplate !!!

I would love to have a companion (or two) to make that walk...anyone interested, please contact me.

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