Saturday, December 1, 2012


Dark and early this morning, I rolled out of my new queen-size bed - gifted by my dear friend, Karen E., Columbia, North Carolina while passing thru on my recent drive from the Outer Banks - ...cooked up and enjoyed some Cream Of
Rice hot cereal before pulling on my walk-"racing" duds. 

Today was the 5 K Run / Walk to combat arthritis sponsored by the MOOSE Lodge in the nearby town of Mt. Vernon, Washington.  Race time was 8:30am, so I was on my way in our usual Northwest Liquid Sunshine...however, in total darkness. 

Before departing OBX (Outer Banks, North Carolina), I was gifted a Laser Surgery procedure to correct near-sightedness in my right eye...thank you again, Dr. Blakemore...the surgery I would term a fabulous success.  I now see clearly from 12 inches to infinity...except in the dark.  Driving from OBX to Bellingham - sometimes at night -, my night vision, while adequate, left something to be desired.  A couple days ago, I installed the new xenon  headlight bulbs in my MPV...touted on TV to significantly increase nighttime  visibility.  I can attest the claim is not bogus.  I can now see at night as well as I ever did before the cataract surgery some 18 years ago.

Arrived at the Moose Lodge at sunrise...not even thinking about night vision while driving the 30 miles from Bellingham.    Picked up my race packet...a long sleeve T-shirt and race number panel which I pinned to my reflective walking vest...SENIORS WALKING AMERICA...stenciled in large letters on the back.

Truth be known, I was still a but wobbly from my three days confined to bed in the hospital.  Determined to participate in the Run / Walk, I downed a banana, a sip of water, visited the little boys room at the last moment, and was present when the starting gun fired.  The timers clock read 38 minutes 20 seconds as I crossed the finish line, having power walked the 3.2 miles, passing at least half of the runners who crossed the starting line ahead of us walkers.

Took at least 30 seconds to shuffle to and across the starting line, so my walk actually took a bit less than 38 minutes...let's say 37 & 50 seconds.  That calculates out to be a speed of something over 5.25 miles per hour (cannot find my calculator).  Seems I have not lost any speed during the past few months of less than normal walking effort.

Next Saturday is another 5 K Arthritis Run / Walk.  Will try to bring my time down to 37 minutes flat.

Oh, yes, I crossed the finish line a good 4 minutes before the next walker to cross.  Looked to really piss off the second-place guy to have an Octogenarian beat him.

Still no word in response to my many request for employment applications.  Tis Saturday, so perhaps on Monday invitations for interviews will flood in.

I wish to comment on my recent postings beginning with POST 1001, 1002, 1003, etc.  The storyline of these posts are intended as a bare bones outline of a proposed book I am toying to be fleshed out after the outline is a bit further on.  I am aware that readership of this blog has increased a bit in the last couple, my outline is being read.  My interest is:   whether or not such an effort is appropriate (on line); or, would it be best to stop posting the outline and pursue it privately...or perhaps, can the whole thing !

I realize most of us are uncomfortable in making comments on line, so I, tongue in cheek, ask consideration to indicate feelings on the matter by clicking "like".  This would be a one-week activity; i.e., if after one week no "like" appears, I will have my answer.

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