Thursday, January 31, 2013


Yes, it rained in Bellingham today.

Decided to cut back a bit on my walk duration and speed.  The past few walks have nearly done me in, leaving me gasping after 4 + hours.  Today did 12 miles 3 + hours...arrived home is great collapsing.

Self-image while on the hoof.  This is my light-weight gear which folds to pocket size...for heavy rain or cold weather, wear full gear of heavier lined materials.

Hannigan Road...runs North of Bellingham to the small (Dutch) town of Lynden situated on the Canadian Border, some 25 miles away.  Walked out some 4 miles...then hung a left on Kline Road to Meridian Highway...then south back toward Bellingham...then to Mt. Baker Highway back to my apartment...

One of the many Whatcom County side roads

Another view of HANNIGAN Road.

Bellingham has a number of Fire Stations spread out over Whatcom Valley

Whatcom County is farming country.  Lots of cattle, nut orchards, berry farms - specializing in Raspberry -

KLINE Road...connecting the Hannigan and Meridian Highways

Local - Bellingham - Christmas Tree Farm...about a 10 minute walk from my apartment.

BAKER CREEK...flows out of the Mt. Baker - Cascade Mountains - foothills to Bellingham Bay.  This creek bed runs 1/2 block behind my apartment complex, ending by flowing into Bellingham Bay at the Marina.  In times past - about 100 years ago, a railroad ran into the foothills following Baker, it is abandoned.  The railroad bed right-of-way is still in place, awaiting improvements to become yet another walking trail.
Have been invited by good friend Les to take a short sail on his Yacht TRUMPETER tomorrow morning (the very yacht Les put me up in the first week or so last Fall) ...going to run the ship across part of Bellingham Bay to the fuel dock.  During winter months it is critical that fuel tanks be kept FULL.  Empty space within a fuel tank will condense in cold weather, creating moisture inside the tank, which then mixes with the diesel fuel...not good at all for making the motor go ca-chug ca-chug ca-chug.  So for all my hard work driving TRUMPETER, Les wants to treat me to lunch.  Gosh, life is difficult way out here in the West...think I'll have a fresh Halibut Sandwich, dinner salad with Blu Cheese, and glass of Chardonnay...yeah...that sounds rather nice.

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