Wednesday, February 6, 2013


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Whew...the past 2 weeks have been a torment...not that I have shared the matter, but appears that I caught a flu bug, generally sapping my energies, and specifically, causing rather severe stomach and "gut" upset, bloating, constipation, and pain...accompanied with nausea and vision blurring.  Only yesterday, signs of coming out of it are showing up.

That has not been all bad.  Bloody right heel pull in not healing as quickly as I anticipated, so less walking has given a bit of respite and lessening re injury.

...and have been able to fill up my new (purchased "used" from a thrift store) book case and read a book every couple days.  My KINDLE crapped out on me; i.e., the "keyboard" shorted out, not allowing me to enter.  Amazon says they no longer handle my model, so it cannot be repaired.  Best option was to purchase a "reconditioned" upgrade - for $113.00 - if I wanted to read the 50 or so books I purchased on line...otherwise, they informed me, was nice to know you ! ! ! 

So, I have a reconditioned KINDLE en route from...I believe they said South America someplace.

Today, I sold my "moving" trailer, for which I paid $3,000.00 in July 2012.  Towed it to OBX - Cape Hatteras - to work my butt off for Pastor Steve -, running up a AMAX Credit Card debt of something over $8,000.00 (thanks Steve).  Received $2,000 for the trailer, so am chewing into the AMEX sitting at $6,000.00 or so.

Have put my beloved motorcycle up for sale also.  Hope to get another $2,000 which will chew further into my AMEX obligation. 

After that, I have nothing more to, we shall see.

I am, in any event, walking to keep in some kind of physical condition.  Am finalizing logistics to travel to Wilmington, North Carolina to retrieve SAM out of storage.  Ron, who is watching over SAM tells me she is in a warm room, protected from the elements...and ready to roll when I am. 

At the moment, I plan to fly to Wilmington - using DELTA "miles", and walk with SAM back to the Peace Arch via De Kalb, Illinois - to once again visit Sister Carol who has been fighting Parkinson's (plus assorted and sundry other ailments, such as Diabetes, etc.) for something like 8 years in a nursing home -

If I can find the pennies (how about a JOB ! ! !), intend to make this walk beginning around May or June this year...

To do so, would be my 5th crossing by foot of America.

Seems weird that back in 2009, I was first thinking of walking across America.  Having completed four crossings, I now wonder what the big deal was...making the final decision to do so was the biggest challenge...the doing of it has been a piece of cake...

...and one of the most satisfying accomplishments of my life.

I know I'm rambling...just not much to write about.  Been mulling over whether I should continue my "bare bones" biographical posts... on the Internet just today that FACEBOOK is concerned about the results of recent decline in "readership", with the leading reason being lack of items of interest being posted. 

Here's an item of interest:  Western Washington University (Division II NCAA) Basketball Mens team has now won 26 games in a row, ranked 2nd in the Nation (being National Champs last year); whereas the Ladies WWU Basketball Team has won something like 16 in a row, being ranked 5th in the Nation....and Gonzaga ain't doing so bad either, ranked 6th in the Nation.

Since I am feeling a bit better, will return to walking tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Don't I remember you saying you have never been sick?

    You can't stop your story now, not after the last post!
