Sunday, February 17, 2013


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Bellingham “MEET UP” hiking group scheduled a walk around Lake Padden this morning at 8:30. At the last minute it was canceled, but I went anyway because it is one of the most enjoyable scenic walks in all Bellingham.
One other member apparently showed up, but since we did not know each other, we did not actually meet up…probably passed her on the trail at least once, since I circled the 2.5 miles around the lake two times.

LAKE PADDEN Swimming Beach

Rain Clouds beginning to break up…it rained the 1.5 hours I walked Lake Padden today.

LAKE PADDEN Shore Side Trail…the entire trail around Lake Padden is wheel chair accessible.

LAKE PADDEN Trail is half along open shore line…and half within dense old-forest trees…even under bright sunlight, it is rather dark along much of the trail.
Am writing this blog post on Microsoft Word…for the first time – including images. Previous blog posts have been prepared using Google Dashboard.

Received an e-mail today from VERIZON Wire that I have utilized 50% of my monthly contracted TIME. I signed up for 5 gigs per month…but beginning December 2012, have I been informed that I am now also limited to a TIME allotment per month…and exceeding the monthly limit (I do not know what the monthly limit…must visit VERIZON to find out what is going on) costs up to $30.00 more per month.
Seems time is apparently counted from booting VERIZON to shutdown; i.e., if I leave VERIZON running, the time – clock is also running So, am searching for “work-around” to complete blog posts…today, trying to create in WORD…then Copy and Paste into the Google page…

Lets see how it goes…

.....Well, it did NOT work.  Succeeded to copy and paste the narrative, but the completed (narrative with images) page would not paste.  So, pasted the narrative...then loaded images into the GOOGLE Blogger Dashboard to get the above presentation.   Will keep trying to find a way to copy and paste the complete page.

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