Monday, March 4, 2013



Before anything else, I wish to make my sincere apology to my long time friend and sailing companion…Dr. Les Blackwell. Les telephoned me today, reminding me of our many social and sailing moments since my return to Bellingham back in October 2012.

In fact, the first thing Les did was to put me up for nearly two weeks in his yacht…as I searched for a place of my own….followed by taking me sailing on TRUMPETER…followed by a number of afternoon lunches and evening dinners at his home and – with his lovely wife, Dr. Lynn…both Les and Lynn are PHD professors, retired – at some new (new to me) restaurants about town.

Well, happens on a recent blog, I commented on being disappointed that I missed spending time with my many friends in Bellingham. In actual fact, Les and Lynn swooped me up the moment I arrived back in Bellingham… even though they have both been quite occupied with their own important considerations.

My blog comments were out of line and not completely true. I also wish to thank Wendell and Erlene…as well as Bob, Pam and their family, with whom I have enjoyed a number of memorable moments since last October.

Friendships…and family ties…are to me, the most important reason for being allowed to experience life on this, our Planet.

In 24 hours, I leave Bellingham, travel to North Carolina, retrieve SAM from storage, and once again, walk from Ocean to Ocean.

Have put together a single carry-on containing my Mini, Piccolo, and a couple sandwiches to tide me over until meeting Karen and Craig in Norfolk, Virginia on Wednesday evening.

Yesterday, participated in a 2.5 mile run/walk around Lake Padden…together with four lovely ladies…thank you for waiting for me as I huffed and puffed walking to keep up with you. I should be back to Bellingham in time to join you in your ½ marathon in September.

This will be my last night in my apartment for many months…always a bitter sweet moment … meeting, enjoying so many wonderful and exciting people…knowing that a bit of me is left behind while a bit of each of them is taken along.

Difficult to imagin living without experiencing these past three years walking America.

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