Thursday, March 14, 2013


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Was prepared to start walking at day break, but promised Roger I would see them before, began walking about 8:00am.  Let me tell you, it was not know why I was so cold - there was no ice on the ground -, but I was cold thru and thru...

Sleep last night was superb...warm, comfy, quiet.

Roger has done a super job repairing SAM's front wheel.  Arriving in the city of Washington around noon, SAM steered perfectly...her ball bearings remained in place...all in all, just a great job, Roger.  Thank you, again.


In all, walked about 15 miles this morning.  Walked a very quick pace...something over 4 miles per hour, arriving at the new US 17 By-Pass Bridge around the city of Washington and over the Tar River - above.

Some interesting trees beside the 2 + mile long new by-pass bridge...reminding me ever so much of "lodge poles" as found in the Navajo Indian Reservation in Arizona and New Mexico...which two ago years suffered a massive forest fire only a couple days after I completed walking through the Navajo Reservation.

Arriving in Washington at noon-time today, stopped in at a unique fully automated restaurant...where each client electronically selects meals from a series of detail images...including kind of meat, type of salads, many selections of dressings...I could not figure it out; received help from one of the young employees...thank you very much.

As I sat to eat, I began shivering uncontrollably.  I then realized that my entire body was cold...seems like the cold was coming from my "core"...i.e., from inside out.  I simply could not stop shivering.

I did realize that the 4 hours I walked this morning was in a very cold wind, as I kept adding layers...but did not realize I was becoming cold to the core.

  The next town is 21 miles north on US 17.  At 2:00pm, I was walking out of the town of Washington when I came upon the motel COMFORT INN, where I am registered from many prior visits over the years. 

Even after eating a good lunch, I was still shivering and felt, I asked for and received a room (at a very low $$).  It is now 6:00pm, local Eastern Daylight Time.  I have slept soundly for 2.5 hours, taken a hot soaking bath for 1 hour, and enjoyed another meal - Chinese Buffet -. 

Finally, I am beginning to warm up.

In the morning, SAM & ME will once again venture out onto US 17 north towards the town of WILLIAMSTON, where we are told more motels are available.  Our budget has no $$ for motels, but I am a bit concerned for my body's apparent weakness at the moment. 

The flight to WILMINGTON from SEATTLE 10 days ago took a lot out of me...two nights spent sitting all night in airports...with our first night walking tenting on the COLD hard ground of the Wilmington KOA.  I was simply emptied of all have not yet recovered. 

So far, SAM & ME have walked and rolled nearly 200 miles, with another nearly 100 to go to reach Karen and Craig in Columbia, North Carolina, where we plan to rest and enjoy a few days before attempting to cross America once again.

For three years, have been searching for the limit - if there is a limit - to this old man's body abilities...perhaps we are creeping up on that limit.

We shall see.
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