Saturday, March 30, 2013


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Finally, Winter seems to be letting go.  Mornings are now in the mid 40s with highs around 65 or so.  The past two days found SAM and ME walking for 3+ hours west on US 64 and US 94 (the parallel service road)

The sinus condition is also diminishing day by day...but not yet gone...give it another day or two should do it.

A weather front is moving into Columbia within 24 hours and should pass by Monday night.  SAM is fully provisioned, tested, and ready to roll.  Physically, I, too, am OK.  Psychologically, however, I do not want to leave.

Karen and Craig have been spectacular hosts, making me feel as one of the family.  As I cross over the Scuppernong Bridge, I will take with me the promise of Karen and Craig to fly out to Bellingham just as soon as she has the current regimen completed...that is enough to sustain me.

Scuppernong River looking south from the Bridge.

US 64 as it crosses the Scuppernong River Bridge entering Columbia.

SAM coasting along on US 94...the US 64 service road.

Please say HELLO to JEWELL.  Jewell hailed as SAM and ME walked past.  We spent a good 20 minutes chatting about walking...and his project to police the yard of his friend's home.

Wetlands along US 64...all this time, thought these breathtaking flooded woods were swamps.  Am pleased I have been corrected...NO swamps around here...just wetlands.

Crossing the Scuppernong River Bridge, this is the view of the local Marina and the home of Karen and Craig distant center...the White House On The Corner.

Not far from downtown Columbia, North Carolina, are the Vineyards on the Scuppernong.  Have not actually walked to the vineyard's, so no photograph to share.  The grapes are vined locally, offered for sale at the Winery.

Please say HELLO to SHARI and JOHN, proprietors of the Coffee Shop located inside the Winery.  We chatted for well over an hour...about walking and a wide range of other fascinating subjects.  Seems we are of a mind (we think alike) and will try to keep in touch.

Please say HELLO to GAYLE, Proprietor of the Winery. 
Gayle and I have shared some quality chats, including Wine Tasting of her excellent wines for the past 2 years that I have been visiting Columbia.

Sitting on the street side veranda under umbrellas, chatting with Shari and John, Gayle popped out..."wondering when you were going to stop in to say hello...". 

Gayle's Scuppernong Winery.

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